I used to have problems getting my transactions confirmed. Somebody suggested this website to me that's been a big help.
https://bitcoinfees.21.co/Since then, I usually check that website first to see what sort of transaction fee I need to include. I usually don't mind if it takes a few hours to confirm, so I can get by with something a little lower. But when it's 5+ or 10+ hours, I start getting nervous.
I just did two transactions tonight, and paid a 0.0005 fee (about $0.90), and had it confirm within an hour or so, despite 200K unconfirmed transactions.
It sucks, but that's just the way it is right now. At this point in time, bitcoin isn't for small transactions. There have been some small things that I've paid for with paypal that I would have normally used bitcoin for, because the transaction fee isn't worth it.
If bitcoin doesn't want the small transactions, something else will probably take its place (for the small transactions). But for larger stuff, and store of value, of course bitcoin is still king. It's the gold of cryptocurrencies.