Rearwheels: I am using the Highcharts library for the graphs.
We solved another block last night, looks like our luck is evening out Only 12 hours to solve that block.
Dont forget to have mtgox prices in the sms and a warning that prices may be wrong due to delay in the sms or website.
Other ideas:
When cashing out with the website, an sms is sent with a one time pin (also i dont know how long it takes for an international SMS, could be annoying). Could be implemented with email change etc. Added security but not sure if its REALLY REALLY needed as you have payout lock anyway.
Are SMSs expensive for your? The bigget the pool gets, the more sms you will have to send. I was just wondering how many people have the wrong country codes etc. Perhaps an activation pin or something to enable sms, this will make sure they get it right. 3 attempts and it's locked.