Your "effective fee" is very misleading. Your fee is 4%, and you should advertise it as such.
Please see for our argumentation.
As said earlier, we try to be as transparent about this as possible. [...]
And as others said before your "effective fee" is the exact opposite of beeing transparent.
"Only 4% fee, which effectively comes down to only 2.1% fee because we compensate stale share and invalid blocks. (compare: 10% fee at deepbit)"
First page on their website, on the bottom. It seems clear enough for me.
A complain that I somewhat agree though, is that stable miners with less stale or invalid shares pay more fee, and in a certain way, pay for miners who produce more stale or invalid shares. My lifetime invalid + stales share are at 0.3%, I think I'm far from the 1.9%. I agree that the overall effective fee of the pool is 2.1%, but my effective fee, for my account only, is currently at 3.7%. My shares seems of better quality than the average miner on this pool, but I pay more fee because I'm better. Miner with lesser quality hardware who generate more stales or invalid get a better deal of all this.
You need to make a revenue and I don't complain about the fee. Overall, it is still a good deal. But your structure of fee seems to reward more the average miner than the high quality one. Another pool can come by, say "hi there, I don't pay for stale or invalid, but I'm PPS and the fee is 3%" and, for the bunch of guys who generate the most valid shares, this pool becomes the better deal. And you get stuck with the stales/invalid shares that doesn't bring you anything.
Anyway, in order to make this fee less painful (
), I'll ask for a feature for the website. My problem is that I have one, maybe two unstable workers. Right now, I'm testing them with different settings, hoping to make it more stable. It would be nice to add, besides each worker, a timer that indicate at which moment the pool stopped receiving information from the worker. Something like:
Worker Name Active Hashrate (Mhash/s) Check worker Time died Time since died
worker.hard N 0 Y 2:17 PM, Jan 7 36 hours
Check miner is a check box, that you active if you want to have the timer working or not. With that, I'll be able to work on stable workers, and if I have stable workers, you get more MHash! Nice deal huh?