Look up process agents...you need one to operate an incorporated entity. They are essentially a figurehead. They merely forward along any legal matters to the proper party...like, if you wanted to sue an LLC, you serve papers to their process agent. They can be absolutely anyone with a physical address in the state the LLC is incorporated in and have no link to the business other than being required to pass along paperwork to the owner. It can be the owner themselves, a friend/relative or a complete stranger working for a registration company.
That's roughtly of the impression I got, actually. It's still kind of murky, but the murkiness seems to lie partly in the way the US handles incorporation and partly in Wyoming for some reason having a register of corporations that doesn't necessarily list anyone actually involved in said corporation. (Which is really quite daft.)
Also, I managed to get remote access to a machine with a BitForce board attached for the purposes of testing my poclbm-based miner, and came to a few conclusions:
- The board does appear to run at the (reduced) speed stated, though obviously I could actually be mining on wreckage from Roswell or something
- I'm getting the odd hash verification error, not sure if it's a bug in my code or something else
- Either something weird in their network is mangling long polling horribly or there's a truely bizarre bug somewhere
(This is a slight overestimate - I calculate closer to 850 MHash/sec including stales due to the broken long polling, which for some reason masterpool.eu isn't showing. This roughly aligns with the performance I was told to expect.)