
Topic: [20+ BTC PAYING]{} Earn UP TO 67m Sats Per Day / 35% SALE ENDS 24h - page 15. (Read 52799 times)

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
Does any1 have recieve a answer from them  ?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Seems like this is going downhill now. Withdraw hasn't been working for awhile, which I believe is intentional.
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
This is BS, so what I have in my account is a couple million satoshi that I can not withdraw its essentially play money, they keep directing you back to the page with the ads on it so they get more ad revenue, so as we frantically try to withdraw they are cashing in on the ad revenue.  

i bet all i have that he wont show up again on this thread, this is chaos now
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
This is BS, so what I have in my account is a couple million satoshi that I can not withdraw its essentially play money, they keep directing you back to the page with the ads on it so they get more ad revenue, so as we frantically try to withdraw they are cashing in on the ad revenue.  
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
Dude the transaction you put up that said you got paid was from October 18th................ and your brand new......

there goes my trust on this kind of sites, it was my first one and my last one
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
Dude the transaction you put up that said you got paid was from October 18th................ and your brand new......

Illuminati confirmed!! i mean scam confirmed!!
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Dude the transaction you put up that said you got paid was from October 18th................ and your brand new......
Activity: 70
Merit: 0


Many payment proofs posted by members here!

from newest to oldest

Another instant withdraw after 3 attempt. Thanks admin.

Payment received after 5 minutes of the request.  Grin

Thank you very much!!!  Cheesy

Received my first payment without problems Smiley

I will try level 2 Cheesy

Oct 17 2015  1,340,000 satoshi
Oct 16 2015    630,000 satoshi
Oct 15 2015    650,000 satoshi
Oct 14 2015    978,440 satoshi
Oct 13 2015    511,940 satoshi

Thank you and my reffs, so much! Wink

My 6th successful INSTANT withdrawal (the balance was in my wallet in less than 6 seconds!). This time for 0.01BTC.

Thanks, sifter Smiley

View your latest earnings and transactions.

Latest claims
Oct 17 2015   143,900 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   162,865 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   98,720 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   9,300 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   172,480 satoshi   Level 4
Latest withdrawals
Oct 17 2015   306,765 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 16 2015   554,320 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 16 2015   608,675 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 14 2015   433,340 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 13 2015   582,440 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Smiley Smiley I hope this not end soon to try bigger upgrade Smiley Thank's for support and fast withdraw Smiley

ok thanks TryNinja
Success:thanks admin
 Instantly payment!

Payment received, Thanks Admin!

Everything fine today Cheesy

Thanks for the fast payments.

Thanks admin... I've received compensation and other instant withdraw. only 8 days I 've been getting ROI, i'm upgrade member lvl 4

Best crane that met
Лyчший кpaн, кoтopый вcтpeтилa Grin

Withdrawals are instantaneous here too. Thanks op

Thanks sifter. I've received compensation. and another instant withdraw. Smiley

Latest withdrawals
Oct 15 2015   116,408 satoshi   1LN8Y8dD...
Thanks admin! ID 0f5fba81

Got my 5th seamless instant transfer today! This one was for 275k, and came in within 60 seconds Smiley

more added soon


Account: Brand New
Transaction: 2days ago

I smell something fishy going on here ..
Activity: 50
Merit: 0

Your latest promo is a case of "It's too good to be true...", Admin.

You should re-evaluate it for the sustainability of the site.

Activity: 1288
Merit: 1068
this is a good example how to turn to scam in few days. its just started 15 days man.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
thank you for my 1st cash-out[/quote]


Many payment proofs posted by members here!

from newest to oldest

Another instant withdraw after 3 attempt. Thanks admin.

Payment received after 5 minutes of the request.  Grin

Thank you very much!!!  Cheesy

Received my first payment without problems Smiley

I will try level 2 Cheesy

Oct 17 2015  1,340,000 satoshi
Oct 16 2015    630,000 satoshi
Oct 15 2015    650,000 satoshi
Oct 14 2015    978,440 satoshi
Oct 13 2015    511,940 satoshi

Thank you and my reffs, so much! Wink

My 6th successful INSTANT withdrawal (the balance was in my wallet in less than 6 seconds!). This time for 0.01BTC.

Thanks, sifter Smiley

View your latest earnings and transactions.

Latest claims
Oct 17 2015   143,900 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   162,865 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   98,720 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   9,300 satoshi   Level 4
Oct 16 2015   172,480 satoshi   Level 4
Latest withdrawals
Oct 17 2015   306,765 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 16 2015   554,320 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 16 2015   608,675 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 14 2015   433,340 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Oct 13 2015   582,440 satoshi   1FQdLr7y...
Smiley Smiley I hope this not end soon to try bigger upgrade Smiley Thank's for support and fast withdraw Smiley

ok thanks TryNinja
Success:thanks admin
 Instantly payment!

Payment received, Thanks Admin!

Everything fine today Cheesy

Thanks for the fast payments.

Thanks admin... I've received compensation and other instant withdraw. only 8 days I 've been getting ROI, i'm upgrade member lvl 4

Best crane that met
Лyчший кpaн, кoтopый вcтpeтилa Grin

Withdrawals are instantaneous here too. Thanks op

Thanks sifter. I've received compensation. and another instant withdraw. Smiley

Latest withdrawals
Oct 15 2015   116,408 satoshi   1LN8Y8dD...
Thanks admin! ID 0f5fba81

Got my 5th seamless instant transfer today! This one was for 275k, and came in within 60 seconds Smiley

more added soon

hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Wow that new promotion is kind of annoying I would have waited to buy my level 8 upgrade if I had known that.  And since today is the 20th isnt the other promotion still going on, so you get 35% off and 3 upgrades of the same level for the price of 1 !!!!?Huh Even without the 35% off that's really insane ROI.  

sorry to hear about your level 4, i'm sad because i invested in a level 4 upgrade, already withdraw 0.0169 BTC that doesn't cover the investment, i cant imagine about your upgrade. this is officially a scam to me now, he didn't even showed up yet at this thread

Yeah I mean it was 40 bucks.  I hope its not a scam but if it is then I lost 40 bucks... Luckily I didn't invest anymore, I wanted to see how it would work with 40 dollars before I invested more, but it appears that this is a site I probably will not invest more into, unless of course the Dev proves us wrong, which I hope he does.  
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
Yeah I'm starting to think that too, I hope I am wrong. So ridiculous the withdrawals aren't even working and then there's this promotion, withdrawals need to be fixed first in my opinion.  

more important than that is to ensure the stability of the system, they will go broke if they keep working like this
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Yeah I'm starting to think that too, I hope I am wrong. So ridiculous the withdrawals aren't even working and then there's this promotion, withdrawals need to be fixed first in my opinion.  
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
I can not withdraw. The system is not working. Already 5 times began.I went through 10 minutes, then 15 minutes. Does not work.
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
he posted on the last page.

I mean after we started to talk about this new campaign
full member
Activity: 150
Merit: 100
he posted on the last page.
Activity: 110
Merit: 20
Wow that new promotion is kind of annoying I would have waited to buy my level 8 upgrade if I had known that.  And since today is the 20th isnt the other promotion still going on, so you get 35% off and 3 upgrades of the same level for the price of 1 !!!!?Huh Even without the 35% off that's really insane ROI.  

sorry to hear about your level 8, i'm sad because i invested in a level 4 upgrade, already withdraw 0.0169 BTC that doesn't cover the investment, i cant imagine about your upgrade. this is officially a scam to me now, he didn't even showed up yet at this thread
full member
Activity: 571
Merit: 100
full member
Activity: 571
Merit: 100
I invested yesterday in coinbooster for the first time, going to lose it all Grin
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