Which doesn't make any sense because there is no linear correlation "lower rating -> more lost seats". Again, from the same article the two elections where the President's rating was 40% or less had losses of 12 and 30 seats, or 21 on average. Trump lost 35-37. So which is it - Trump is worse at presidenting than Obama and Dubya, or this rating-to-seats criteria is meaningless? I'm leaning towards both.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/7/rush-limbaugh-rips-republicans-who-bought-medias-b/Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday the biggest losers in the midterm elections were Republicans who believed a “blue wave” was coming and distanced themselves — literally and figuratively — from President Trump.
Mr. Limbaugh said the political takeaway from Tuesday night was that “all of these RINO or old-fashioned establishment Republicans who just couldn’t stand Trump” miscalculated by retiring or attacking Mr. Trump on the campaign trail.
“The most House seats ever lost by a president’s party in power was Obama in 2010,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “He lost 63. Next was Bill Clinton in 1994. He lost 52. … So it was not a blue wave, especially when you go over to the Senate. … I mean, nine out of 11 people the president personally stumped for won.”
Mr. Limbaugh said that Republicans would have kept the House if dozens of skittish lawmakers had not retired.
“These moderate RINO Never Trumper Republicans bought in to a gigantic scam that the media and the Democrats ran on this blue wave business,” he said in addition to playing a media montage of such rhetoric. “They bought it hook, line and sinker. They thought there’s no chance, Trump is hated and despised, we’re getting out. And so they did. And when you lose 45 incumbents,
don’t care who they are, because 98 percent of incumbents win reelection in the House, 98 percent. When 40 to 45 of your sitting Republicans get out of there, that presents another challenge, because those are open seats, become brand-new candidates on both sides. Incumbency is lost as a benefit.
“[Democrats] lost huge in the Senate,” the host continued. “What happened in the Senate last night is bigger than anybody knows right now because the Republicans that did retire and are gone were anti-Trump Republicans: Corker, Flake, McCain. They’re gone. They’re replaced by people who owe their futures to Donald Trump. Every Republican who retired is now realizing they could have won. … The Republican Party still doesn’t get it. They still haven’t figured it out. They’re still listening to the wrong people! They’re listening to the media.”