Yes the Lakers got a reliable and a talented triple-double guy in Westbrook but lets not forget the contributions that Trez KCP and Kuz to the Lakers team. Trez and KCP are a good defenders and Kuz is a good role player at least.
The problem with those guys is
"consistently inconsistent" lol. It's way better for me to ship those as I don't know on what part they contribute big out from their inconsistency. If Lebron James and Anthony Davis aren't present, no one from that 3 is stepping up or just in a few situations.
If the deal will be finalized and Lakers got Westbrook, they won the deal. Westbrook can carry a team consistently. Lakers are surely in good hands whenever Bron or AD, in case, sidelined or not present.
On the other hand, Harrel, KCP, and Kuzma will be a good addition to the Wizards. They lack supporting roles so they have also won the deal.
I laughed with what you said but its true that they are kinda inconsistent and the 3 of them have histories of injuries that might affect the team as a whole.
The deal of Wizards-Lakers have been done. Like what I've done with the Nets in 2020-2021 NBA season, I will not expect too much with this 3 superstars on the Lakers because like you said, they are inconsistent because of the injuries. I'm thinking that the Wizards have won this trade just because of how efficient KCP is and how good Harrell and add a role player maybe in Kuzma.
More overrated trades gonna happen again but the recent official trade of Westbrook to Lakers is the real deal. Sauce please! Hoping they wouldn't disappoint the purple and gold fans this time now they got more explosive than ever, as what Og said hoping they got healthy physique this incoming regular season though.
We will be seeing more and more exciting trades and most of these will be mind blowing again.
The trade has been done and it looks exciting but for me, I'm still waiting who will get Simmons and what will be his value when he is traded. The Ben Simmons Saga is like the Kawhi Leonard Saga when he left Toronto.
Like I said, I'm not hoping too much with this Lakers team because all 3 of them has history of injuries and it will affect the team as a whole knowing that they traded most of their reliable bench players.