Read the article, and you will agree on what the author has said. Sorry for derailing as well, but this problem has been there for years, and no one can stop it. Maybe if we will change the Commissioner to a better one then it might solve the problem.
Oh my, I got surprised and a bit shock by that unexpected plan by Converge.
Even though I want to badly expect that Converge shouldn't think of selling the franchise, their reasons are
"valid" enough to consider it even if I'm on their feet. Financially wise, I see that Converge is capable of spending big money to keep up with the competition in the league. It's just that, how can they even use that big money to market big players if they are always bound to end up in either SMC or MVP teams because even the Commissioner itself is approving a crappy trade in favor of the giant franchises.
Independent teams' only chance to get good-caliber players without marketing a big fish is if that will come directly from their respective rookie draft picks and eventually will be turned into a rising star. But since these players are targeted by big franchises, and players themselves want too a good paycheck that only big franchises can give, eventually they will leave that independent team. Players' loyalty is subjective today as they also care about their financial goals.
Converge is the only independent team right now that I saw seriously competing with the big teams. They got a big improvement already within just a few seasons. But they are also right that
"Who wants to watch a "competition" where the outcome is so predictable?
Let's follow the progress of that story.