I think the approval to resume the practice is already a go signal for the PBA to resume, if they don't have a chance to approve it, then probably they just advise the PBA early to relax and forget about the season resumption.
I think, No. The approval to resume practice is basically giving a time for PBA to do their respective training just in case the PBA will resume. And the resume is not just applied in basketball but for other sports as well. In other words, it's a general approval.
PBA is expected to announce their decision to resume the league next month and if ever, like to start the league by October. The approval to resume practice gives more time for teams not to rush for it in case the season will resume. A good preparation indeed instead of they will resume practice after the official announcement.
Hey, i will try to figure this one over the weekend as i'm busy with work IRL during weekdays. Gonna talk to some members on how to do this kind of competition so that we will smooth transactions and no problems may occur. Thanks for your intent and hopefully more users will join this betting and BTW we will do the thread in our local section.
Count me in.
Just share your proposal/rules/terms with us then let's see if there's a need for any modifications.