Something is up. Pool hashing power just dropped in half in the last 10 minutes.
are we under attack becuase of whats happning in america?
What /is/ happening in America? Something new or unusual, or the usual crap? I am slightly interested, since that is where I live, though I freely admit I pay absolutely no attention to the news, the paper, radio or anything else pretty much. I freely admit I'm fairly ignorant, in fact.
Anybody have any idea where these attacks might be coming from, or who is doing it? And why; who would possibly benefit from it. Is it just out of meanness? Does somebody have a real motive, or do they just wanna brag to their friends? How big a botnet would it take to do attacks of this nature?
Sometimes they steal something in the following chaos and it goes unnoticed.
Also its not just about the size of the botnet, its about co-ordination as well,
If everyone in the uk switched on their electric kettle at 7-50 pm instead of 8-00 pm, then the sudden demand would shut down the power grid.(it's expected at 8pm but not before). It takes 24 hours to restart all the tripped out nuclear power stations.