I think more than anything miners are just disappointed because we loved cwigm-0.9.8.
not sure why you think you have to revolutionize the mining ecosystem? just add a few algos like "timetravel10" keep them tied to your pools, and lets rock!

We are not looking at revolutionizing the ecosystem, just improving it.
No use reinventing the wheel, just make a much better one

So we are doing just that.
I liked first version very much, with so nice structured data on one page, If you decide to make new beta testing group I would gladly join.
Thanks Boriss.
I tell you what - if there is anyone (or people) that can help me (as I need to do this myself - the code will not be given out) to compile in Windows 10, or cross compile in linux (will have to be in Centos 7 or Fedora 27), we will release CWIgm-0.9.9 in it's 'almost' finished form. The old dev has no interest in helping with this any longer, so we need to either shelve this, or move forward with it. I chose to shelve it, but if there is enough help here, let's look at releasing the next revision to the public.
If this can be done and done to secure the software, then the next revision will be released with the optimizations of more than 7Algos already in this revision 0.9.9. This revision also has the estimate of coins, as well as estimation of how much BTC would be earned based on the current BTC value, all shown on the stats page. This revision also has a full web stats page that can be accessed by a browser, so that you can keep an eye on every miner you have from anywhere in the world, as long as you have the port open, the miner set to run on that port, and a browser.
In fact, over the next few days, I will post some of these features here.
The feature list in this miner is extensive, and as such, we have been reluctant to release to the beta community without thorough testing, but since the original dev is no longer interested in continuing with it, the consideration of releasing the Linux version is on the table also.
The way I see it, if the previous dev has no interest any longer, then the miner is of little use if it cannot be continually developed. This is unfortunate, but there are very few devs interested in developing FOR the community rather than their own pockets first (especially the last one - which is why we are in this situation in the first place).
Just to be clear, I even offered him a job with a small base salary to begin with, which would increase to more than what most devs his level are paid, and he still refused, so that is that for me.
Why is this being exposed? Because it means little to us about the money, and means everything to us about the development and the progression of the miner alone. That is it.
If there is a developer out there that DOES wish to continue with this, I will be all ears. If not, a decision will be made based upon what I have written above.
There is just way too much on my plate now with the developments that have been happening and will continue to happen with CWI, that I cannot spend any more time on this, and will be happy to work with or sell the project. Keeping in mind that the optimizations in this miner are second to none. The dev that created this and has worked on it, is a well known dev, and one of the best in his trade. His code has been used and copied by all the other devs known today, and CWIgm is THE miner that is like no other that has been design and created by him for us. Still to this day I do not mention his name ONLY because he asked me not to, though there is nothing legally binding to continue to do so. Note - if this is the direction we take, we will not sell the miner - we will sell the entire project for the right people IF I decide that is the road we take. This is all still up in the air.
As for the scumbag imbecile trolls out there (yes the ones I have deleted posts and will continue to do so), you are not the reason for these considerations, it is the actual dev himself that has me thinking about these routes. If the man himself doesn't give a damn about the work that has been poured into this miner (over a year), then we should move on one of those routes I have suggested above.
It would be great to hear what people think, and I will consider it all with careful consideration.