
Topic: A Factual History of Freemasons and Banking - Not Internet Sourced - page 2. (Read 26119 times)

Activity: 1120
Merit: 1003
I wonder if the question "Are Freemasons Anarchists/limited government advocates?" has ever been put to them, and what the answer would be....

They're not. Every confirmed mason I know locally has been very disparaging about bitcoin. The fake paper money is their bread and butter.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Hero VIP ultra official trusted super staff puppet
Another little tibit.  Look at one of the symbols, the 'square & compass'.  Draw a line connecting the tips of the compass, and another line connecting the corners of the square.  What do you have?

A bitcoin?!?!
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1010
Another little tibit.  Look at one of the symbols, the 'square & compass'.  Draw a line connecting the tips of the compass, and another line connecting the corners of the square.  What do you have?

A somewhat mishapen 6-pointed star. I am not going to speculate on why you pointed that out, however. I'll let you dig your own hole on that one (or not, as the case may be).

Speculate away, as I don't intend on expounding further. 

The masonic rings are interesting as well, as they don't generally have the more common 'square & compass'.  Usually they have a triangle with 'the eye of providence', a Capital 'G' or this symbol...

After all, the eye is kinda creepy even to masons.

Draw whatever conclusions you will.
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
Another little tibit.  Look at one of the symbols, the 'square & compass'.  Draw a line connecting the tips of the compass, and another line connecting the corners of the square.  What do you have?

A somewhat mishapen 6-pointed star. I am not going to speculate on why you pointed that out, however. I'll let you dig your own hole on that one (or not, as the case may be).
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1010
I wonder if the question "Are Freemasons Anarchists/limited government advocates?" has ever been put to them, and what the answer would be....

The answer would be "no", for that question falls into the realm of political ideology, which is also generally verboten.  Historically, however, individuals seemed to have leaned that way from well before 1776.  The Green Dragon Tavern, where the original Boston Tea Party was planned, was a masonic lodge that was also used as a public bar and community center.  (  At least half of the known participants in the Boston Tea Party were masons.  Ben Franklin was livid about this while he served as emmissary to the King in London, he regarded it as a violation of property rights.

Adam Smith, the economist who wrote, The Wealth of Nations was likely a mason; but his documents were ordered burned after his death.


Thomas Paine, who wrote Common Sense, was certainly not a freemason at that time, but openly theorized about their origins and purpose.  (  Considering that masons cannot discuss such things in public, he certainly was not one at this point.  However, in due course he stopped discussing such things in public, and reportedly refused to do so upon prompting later in life; which implies that he became one himself later in life.

Another little tibit.  Look at one of the symbols, the 'square & compass'.  Draw a line connecting the tips of the compass, and another line connecting the corners of the square.  What do you have?
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
I wonder if the question "Are Freemasons Anarchists/limited government advocates?" has ever been put to them, and what the answer would be....
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1010
A guy posts what is actually a very important topic concerning bitcoin: Masonic control of the current banking system, and gets trolled hard.

Well, the people on this thread pooh-poohing this topic might be idiots but are more likely their disinfo agents. You're an absolute moron if you can't tell the masons run the US monetary system - they put their symbols on the money itself. George Washington, Major in the British Army and 33rd degree Grandmaster is on the $1 bill.

Now bring your asshole ad hominem posts about me being a conspiracy theorist and "looney" - its all you really have. You shitheads certainly can't argue with any substance - any character in your respective families died off 2 generations ago.

How about some historical facts, and lets see if you guys can assemble another kind of theory of what freemasonary is actually about.

(taken from a website with a bias, but true nonetheless, emphasis is mine)

"One recent historical account of Freemasonry, THE TEMPLE & THE LODGE, boast instead of the profound influence of Freemasonry on the founding documents, (while carefully trying to avoid creating the impression of a Masonic conspiracy):

"Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, only nine can definitely be identified as Freemasons, while ten others may possibly have been. Of the general officers in the Continental Army, there were so far as documentation can establish, thirty-three Freemasons out of seventy-four. Granted the known Freemasons were, as a rule, more prominent, more instrumental in shaping the course of events than their unaffiliated colleagues...
"On 11 June, (the Continental) Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence. Of the five men on this committee, two - Franklin and...Robert Livingston - were Freemasons, and one, Robert Sherman, is believed, though not confirmed, to have been. The other two, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams - were not, despite subsequent claims to the contrary. The text of the declaration was composed by Jefferson. It was submitted to Congress and accepted on 4 July 1776. The nine signatories who can now be established as proven Freemasons, and the ten who were possibly so, included such influential figures as Washington, Franklin and, of course, the president of the Congress, John Hancock. The army, moreover, remained almost entirely in Freemasonic hands...As we shall see, it is in the Constitution that the influence of Freemasonry is most discernible...

"At last, on 25 May 1787, the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia and commenced its efforts to devise the machinery of government for the new nation. The first voice to make itself heard in any significantly influential way was a characteristically Freemasonic one, that of Edmund Randolph.. Randolph...a member of a Williamsburg lodge, had become Washington's aide-de-camp. Subsequently he was to become Attorney-General, then governor of Virginia and Grand Master of Virginia's Grand Lodge. During Washington's presidency, he was to serve as the first Attorney-General of the United States, then the first Secretary of State.

"...There were ultimately five dominant and guiding spirits behind the Constitution - Washington, Franklin, Randolph, Jefferson and John Adams. Of these, the first three were active Freemasons, but men who took their Freemasonry extremely seriously - men who subscribed fervently to its ideals, whose entire orientation had been shaped and conditioned by it. And Adam's position, though he himself is not known to have been a Freemason was virtually identical to theirs. When he became president, moreover, he appointed a prominent Freemason, John Marshall, as first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." (1)
Now, feel free to research the lives of these men on your own, particularly those names that you do not know, and ask yourself, "do the lives these men led imply that they were party to some grand cabal to subjugate humanity?".  If the answer to that question is no, ask yourself why that might be.

Furthermore... ( I am going to assert (because I can't prove it) that Freemasonry (in general) is a branch of the Knights Templar.  Freemasonry as we know of it today was officially founded on June 24th,  1717.  (  However, there exists known documents that used the Masonic codes at least as far back as 1390 ( therefore blowing the OP's assertion that they were founded with the Bank of England to hell.  The Scotish Freemasonry (the oldest form known) is also known to be deeply tied to the Rosslyn Chapel ( as Masonic symbolism is all over the stonework of the chapel.  The Rosslyn Chaple was commishined by the Sinclair family, who were deeply tied to the Knights Templar prior to the breakup of that order in 1305 (  Prior to that event, the Knights were deeply involved in finance across all of Europe & the Middle East.  (  Therefore, the OP's assertion that MAsons are tied to international banking is likely true, but not necessarily malicious, for they used full reserve & gold standard banking, and regarded anything less as fraud.  Furthermore, a different branch of those KT that were fleeing persecution in the 1300's found refuge in what is now Switzerland.  (  This involves the classic story of William Tell, which conviently leaves out much detail concerning his miltary forces, who managed to defeat a tyranical regent in open battle using local & foreign troops agaisnt a much larger force.  Tactics were never discused, but the fleeing KT would, of course, been quite a powerful & well trained group of mercs to have on your side.  In return, it's reasonable to assume that those same KT found political refuge in those mountain cantons.  It's also true that for hundreds of  years Switzerland was the nexus of secret & gold standard international banking & finance.  Incidentally, Switzerland was not only the first nation on Earth to recognize the independent soverignty of the US, but was the first to lend it money for it's war effort; and the last to surrender the gold standard.  Again, not the kind of actions one might expect from a grand cabal bent towards world domination via finance, particularly centered around the Bank of England.

Furthermore, it's more than possible that the organization is older still than the KT, for there is some evidence that the secrecy of the organization extends all the way to the foundation of the actual Temple of Soloman, makning the term "freemasons" an inside joke.  (blocklayers & stonecutters are 'masons' you see, and they are 'freed' men)

I could easily go on, and I have another challenge for you guys.  While it's true that masons are sworn to not discuss Freemasonry with anyone not in the order, they are most certainly permitted to tell you what it's not.  It's the 'negative affirmation' method of discovery. You can ask about the facts that I've presented, and then ask "is it true?"  If it is, they cannot answer you. If they believe that it is false, they can.  Here are some other questions to ask...

"Are Freemasons Diests?"  You might have to explain this term.  The answer will be "no".  Freemasonry requires a sworn belief in a monotheistic God, although it is not, itself, a religion; and theological discussions are generally verboten inside a masonic temple.  They really are not about that.

"Do the masonic ceremonies refer to the original Temple of Soloman?"  They cannot answer this question.

And I dare anyone to claim that i'm some kind of agent of disinformation.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1003
I totally intend to keep this issue at the forefront and to call out the masons on this forum. Freemasons put controlling the media and rhetoric at the top of their list of priorities so I figure they make up at least 5-10% of this forum.

They'll also be the main people funding nice hard copy bitcoin publications to keep the conversation in their ballpark.

...wait for it...wait for it...

Welp, you got me. Even though I only knew who freemasons were after I came to the bitcoin forums, I am a life long freemason and intend to destroy bitcoin with fair and balanced articles for a magazine that raises awareness of Bitcoin (EVIL REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY).

Nice to see you drop in Matthew. You mean you have a magazine? I didn't know  Wink
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Hero VIP ultra official trusted super staff puppet
I totally intend to keep this issue at the forefront and to call out the masons on this forum. Freemasons put controlling the media and rhetoric at the top of their list of priorities so I figure they make up at least 5-10% of this forum.

They'll also be the main people funding nice hard copy bitcoin publications to keep the conversation in their ballpark.

...wait for it...wait for it...

Welp, you got me. Even though I only knew who freemasons were after I came to the bitcoin forums, I am a life long freemason and intend to destroy bitcoin with fair and balanced articles for a magazine that raises awareness of Bitcoin (EVIL REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY).

Activity: 1120
Merit: 1003
I totally intend to keep this issue at the forefront and to call out the masons on this forum. Freemasons put controlling the media and rhetoric at the top of their list of priorities so I figure they make up at least 5-10% of this forum.

They'll also be the main people funding nice hard copy bitcoin publications to keep the conversation in their ballpark.

...wait for it...wait for it...
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

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Is that what the tattoo on your head says?
no, that one reads, "freemason 4 life" 
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1003

this space intentionally left blank

Is that what the tattoo on your head says?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Well, the people on this thread pooh-poohing this topic might be idiots but are more likely their disinfo agents. You're an absolute moron if you can't tell the masons run the US monetary system - they put their symbols on the money itself. George Washington, Major in the British Army and 33rd degree Grandmaster is on the $1 bill.

It's fun to come up with these sorts of theories about who "really runs the world", but honestly, it doesn't matter. Not anymore. They can't control bitcoin, so they're up shit creek, no matter who they are.

Also, re: the topic title... there was crazy before the internet. it just traveled in books.

I'd like to believe they're fucked too, but there are too many of them involved in bitcoin right now, and that is a concern to me. Not to mention them and their families involvement in the greatest fraud to be perpetrated in the last few hundred years - I think they need to be exposed and sent to hell.

this space intentionally left blank

Activity: 1120
Merit: 1003
Well, the people on this thread pooh-poohing this topic might be idiots but are more likely their disinfo agents. You're an absolute moron if you can't tell the masons run the US monetary system - they put their symbols on the money itself. George Washington, Major in the British Army and 33rd degree Grandmaster is on the $1 bill.

It's fun to come up with these sorts of theories about who "really runs the world", but honestly, it doesn't matter. Not anymore. They can't control bitcoin, so they're up shit creek, no matter who they are.

Also, re: the topic title... there was crazy before the internet. it just traveled in books.

I'd like to believe they're fucked too, but there are too many of them involved in bitcoin right now, and that is a concern to me. Not to mention them and their families involvement in the greatest fraud to be perpetrated in the last few hundred years - I think they need to be exposed and sent to hell.
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
Well, the people on this thread pooh-poohing this topic might be idiots but are more likely their disinfo agents. You're an absolute moron if you can't tell the masons run the US monetary system - they put their symbols on the money itself. George Washington, Major in the British Army and 33rd degree Grandmaster is on the $1 bill.

It's fun to come up with these sorts of theories about who "really runs the world", but honestly, it doesn't matter. Not anymore. They can't control bitcoin, so they're up shit creek, no matter who they are.

Also, re: the topic title... there was crazy before the internet. it just traveled in books.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1003
A guy posts what is actually a very important topic concerning bitcoin: Masonic control of the current banking system, and gets trolled hard.

Well, the people on this thread pooh-poohing this topic might be idiots but are more likely their disinfo agents. You're an absolute moron if you can't tell the masons run the US monetary system - they put their symbols on the money itself. George Washington, Major in the British Army and 33rd degree Grandmaster is on the $1 bill.

Now bring your asshole ad hominem posts about me being a conspiracy theorist and "looney" - its all you really have. You shitheads certainly can't argue with any substance - any character in your respective families died off 2 generations ago.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 500
I relied upon several very good sourced books, each one themselves, relying upon an even greater number of selected sources. That's why I didn't list any of them, because there are a lot. If enough people wish it, then I will do a bibliography of sources for the content I posted. But if only a few people ask, then does it really matter? The material is truth, fact and history. The sources are numerous. The truth is out there, if someone cares to research it, however, if they have not already, there is little likelihood they will start to now.

If you are convinced about your claim (that Freemasons are controlling the entire banking system) and really want to open people's eye, there is no question you have do to what it takes to get your message accross, including citing your sources, extending the research to today's society and formatting properly your material (pdf).
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