
Topic: A Factual History of Freemasons and Banking - Not Internet Sourced - page 5. (Read 26119 times)

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1001
I'm currently putting together the second part. It deals with internet currencies, e-gold, the liberty dollar, Masons in the Justice Department, etc. and Bitcoins. Be patient. In the meantime, please re-read the entire post.
Re-reading it would imply that someone read it once already.

lol classic put down.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
In the meantime, please re-read the entire post.

Uh... no?
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
I'm currently putting together the second part. It deals with internet currencies, e-gold, the liberty dollar, Masons in the Justice Department, etc. and Bitcoins. Be patient. In the meantime, please re-read the entire post.
Re-reading it would imply that someone read it once already.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 251
Can you bold the part where they all decided to congregate at and bring about the downfall of bitcoins?
Yeah, but that's internet sourced

I'm currently putting together the second part. It deals with internet currencies, e-gold, the liberty dollar, Masons in the Justice Department, etc. and Bitcoins. Be patient. In the meantime, please re-read the entire post.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Can you bold the part where they all decided to congregate at and bring about the downfall of bitcoins?
Yeah, but that's internet sourced
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 251
Can you bold the part where they all decided to congregate at and bring about the downfall of bitcoins?
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Can you bold the part where they all decided to congregate at and bring about the downfall of bitcoins?
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 502
Wall of Text

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 251
Hello everyone, over the last few days I have been preparing an expose of the history of Freemasons and the global banking syndicate known otherwise, as the International Bankers. All of this information is originally sourced from books and none of this was lifted from the internet, although you may be able to find certain selected pieces here and there.

This paper was created to show the massive systemic corruption that is deeply embedded in American and international politics. All of the people stated in these papers to be Masons are actual Masons and nothing in this paper is contrived, although it may seem pretty unbelievable when you read it. It's all factual history and truth that can be double checked in many places in order to verify the authenticity of the facts presented.


A Factual History of Freemasons and Banking by Bitrebel

The Early History of Freemasonry & the Founding of the Bank of England
   The Glorious Revolution is a historical event which is little noted in the United States. It refers, not to our own successful American Revolution, but to the even more momentous revolution of 1688 in England. No historian has noted that the history of the world since 1688 has been directed by the consequences of the Glorious Revolution, which not only ended the attempts for the Vatican to recover its extensive land holdings in England which had been seized by King Henry the Eighth, but also resulted in the establishment of the Bank of England and it’s espionage service, Great Britain’s notorious SIS, the Secret Intelligence Service, which in turn set up our own Central Intelligence Agency, under the name of the Office of Strategic Services, during WWII.
   The Glorious Revolution not only made possible the chartering of the Bank of England, which was to become the world’s most influential central bank; it also opened the door for the subsequent usurping of the English Crown by the Illuminati in 1714, when George I, Duke of Hannover, ascended to the throne of England. Since that date, the English monarchy has been prominent in the world machinations of the Freemason movement.
   Immediately following the Glorious Revolution, in 1689, William of Orange was now King William III of England and signed a Declaration of Rights on February 13, 1689, which ended the king’s power to suspend the deliberation of Parliament or to dispense with its laws, which had been the goal of Sir Edward Coke’s mission. Coke’s Petition of Right had now become the law of the land. England has been a constitutional monarchy ever since. The official release of the British Information Service, the propaganda arm of England, states that “the United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy with a limited constitutional monarchy. Government is carried on by Her Majesty’s Government in the name of the Queen, who reigns but does not rule. The Queen is an integral part of parliament.”
   The Declaration of Rights of 1689 was followed by an even more powerful contract between the English monarchy and the people of England, the Act of Succession of 1701. This act specifically barred the Stuarts from ever again claiming the throne. The Act further placed the Hanover line of Germany, which was waiting in the wings, in the direct line of succession.  It specified that all future monarchs must belong to the Anglican Church, the Church of England. It specifically barred Catholics from the throne. Later monarchs received the title of head of the Church of England. Other clauses of this Act secured parliamentary supremacy by requiring that the monarch must go to Parliament each year and request the annual stipend. The royal household now existed at the pleasure of Parliament, which controlled it’s purse strings.
   In 1694, King William III chartered the Bank of England. Since that date, there has never been another revolution in England. A history of civil wars and revolutions against the throne had come to an end. A privately owned central bank, the bank of England, now controlled the issuance of money, which had formerly been a royal prerogative. The throne’s goodwill was secured by the assignment of a large number of shares to the royal family.
   The sudden access to funds provided by the Bank of England ushered in a great flowering of English culture and international prestige. The bank’s monetary manipulations created enormous fortunes for its shareholders, and great estates were built throughout the countryside. The fortunate few who had invited William to take the English throne, and who had subsequently been invited to become charter subscribers to the Bank for 10,000 pounds each (the equivalent of 10 Million dollars in today’s currency), made certain the success of the Glorious Revolution.
   The Hanover family had spent some twenty years diligently preparing their claim to the throne of England. Their official genealogist and historian was one of the most well known scholars in Europe, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Leibniz had been Secretary of the Rosicrucian Society in Nuremberg in 1716. Not only did he serve the Brunswick family loyally as their historian; he was also a lawyer and served them as a judge and administrator. His massive work, Codex Juris Gentium Diplomaticus Hannoverae, not only traced the descent from Henry the Lion, who had married into the British royal family; it also documented the later developments. Elizabeth, one of King James I’s Protestant daughters, had married Frederick the Fifth, the Elector of Palatine. Their daughter, Sophie, married Ernest Augustus, the first Elector of Hanover. Although Sophia was not a claimant to the English throne, having died before Queen Anne, her son, who was now Elector of Hanover, was able to overcome the other claimants by the sheer weight of Leibniz’s tremendous amount of research. Thus Leibniz, Secretary of the Rosicrucian Society, not only brought the Hanovers to the throne of England, with him came the fraternity known as the Freemasons.
   The Glorious Revolution unleashed many currents in history which remain strong today. The European battle between the rival forces of Protestant and Catholic was exacerbated by the ascension of William of Orange in 1688. For more than 100 years, the historic enemies, England and France, had been at peace. William changed this arrangement, by joining the League of Augsburg against France, which resulted in seven wars between England and France between 1689 and 1815. The Alliance of France with the rebelling American colonists was but one minor aspect of this longstanding struggle. William’s participation in the League of Augsburg was but another aspect of the growing conspiratorial work of the Masons. The League was essentially a Masonic foreign policy apparatus which was determined to destroy the traditional balance of power between the reigning monarchies of Europe, finally displacing them by setting up their own New World order.
   In effect, Leibniz and his fellow intellectuals, with the ascent of George I in 1714 to the throne of England, became the secret powers behind the throne. In 1717, it was announced that Freemasonry was officially revived in England. From this base of power, Lord Sackville was dispatched to Italy in 1733 to set up Freemason lodges there, in 1735, Lord Derwentwater was sent to Paris to organize a Grand Lodge. The result was the destruction of the monarchy in those nations. Through the secret forces which led the revolution, England was finally able to dispatch its great rival, France, and to end her claims to world power. The new order was announced at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, when the triumphant Masons, led by the banking power of the Rothschilds, dictated their terms, not only to France, but to the other nations of Europe. Financed by the money power of the Bank of England, enforced by the British Navy and the worldwide intrigues of the Secret Intelligence Service, the Masons were well on their way to fulfilling their historic goals.
   Under the Hanovers, the Freemasons were able to step up their own monopoly of secret societies in England. On the 12th of July, 1798, an Act was passed in Great Britain, known as the Sedition Act, for the Suppression of Secret Societies. In his definitive work, “The Brotherhood, The Secret World of the Freemasons”, Stephen Knight complains that the Masons have never complied with the stringent requirements for listing their members under this Act. However, he seems unaware that the act specifically exempts the Freemasons from compliance.  It’s language reads, “And whereas certain societies have long been accustomed to be holden in this kingdom, under the denomination of Lodges of Freemasonry, the meetings whereof have been in great measure directed to charitable purposes; be it therefore enacted, that nothing in this Act shall extend to the meetings of any such Society or Lodge which, shall, before the passing of this Act, have been usually holden under the said denomination, and in conformity to the rules prevailing among the said Societies of Freemasons.”  In effect , this Act banned all secret societies except Freemasons.
   Such a powerful ban reflected the active participation of the now reigning family of England, the Hanovers, in the lodges.
   Grand Masters of the Freemason Grand Lodge of England   
* From 1782-1790, the Grand Master of England was His Royal Highness Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland;
   * From 1791-1812, His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, who subsequently became King George IV;
   * From 1812-1842, His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, son of King George III;
      (The Duke of Sussex united the rival lodges, the Ancient and the Modern, into a single, potent force.)
   * Several Earls of Strathmore have been Grand Masters of England. A Strathmore married the Duke of York, later King George V, and is now Queen Mother of England.

The Rothschilds, International Banking and Fiat Currency
Our current standard of permanent fiat money began to develop after the French Revolution. The horrors of the Reign of Terror that followed the Revolution, and the subsequent Napoleonic Wars that engulfed the Continent from 1804-1815, struck terror in the hearts of the crowned heads of Europe. Foreseeing the danger to their thrones, the kings hired Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), a Jewish financial wizard from Frankfurt, Germany, to transport their gold to safe havens.
   Meyer Rothchild’s financial success was in part fostered by the princely family of Thurn und Taxis, a family of Milanese extraction, living in Frankfurt, Germany, and in part by his connections in the Masonic Lodge. Toward the end of the nineteenth century the Thurn und Taxis had conceived a plan for a postal system in Central Europe. Some three centuries before, in 1516, the family had been commissioned by Emperor Maximilian I to inaugurate a mounted postal service between Vienna and Brussels. From then on, the dignified rank of postmaster general was conferred on one of the members of the Thurn und Taxis family. At the turn of the nineteenth century, this important position was held by Prince Karl Anselm. The Prince, whose family had maintained an impeccable record of confidential handling of the mails for three hundred years, began opening mail before sending it off to its destination. He turned this practice to profit, and his biggest customer was Meyer Rothschild.
   Meyer Rothschild had come to realize that it was of paramount importance to an investment banker to have at his disposal early and accurate information of important events, especially in time of war. As Prince Karl fed Rothschild “insider” information, Rothschild transacted several successful financial investments to the great satisfaction of the prince. While not illegal at the time, but certainly unethical, the practice of “insider trading” was born.
   Although Meyer Rothschild himself never became a Freemason to further his financial empire, his sons did, as did his head clerk, Sigmund Geisenheimer. Rabbi Marvin Antelman in ‘To Eliminate the Opiate’ (1974), reports that Geisenheimer  had wide ranging Masonic contacts that crisscrossed Europe.
…”The Rothchilds utilized the services of Sigmund Geisenheimer, their head clerk, who in turn was aided by Itzig of Berlin, the Illuminati of the Toleranz Lodge and the Parisian Grand Orient Lodge. Geisenheimer was a member of the  Mayence Masonic Illuminati Lodge , and was the founder of the Frankfurt Judenloge…”  At a later date, the Rothschilds joined the lodge.  Solomon Meyer Rothschild (1744-1855) was a member for a short while before moving to Vienna.
   Since the days of Meyer Rothschild, international banking and the Masonic oligarchy have been inseparable, cooperating in their ever expanding financial control of nations.
   Nathan and his brother James were the most successful  of the Rothschild sons, and their success is in part attributable  to their membership in the lodge. For instance, when James arrived in Paris to begin his career, he immediate joined French Grand Lodge Freemasonry, quickly rising to the 33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the French Supreme Council.
   Nathan, the most financially adept son, upheld the tradition of insider trading established by his father by joining the Lodge of Emulation in London on Oct. 4, 1802. Not only did the lodge promote Nathan’s smuggling operation to service the continental armies of his royal English patrons during Napoleon’s Continental blockade, it is also suspected that the lodge assisted him in his bid to control the Bank of England. In June of 1815, the London stock market crashed because of an “erroneous”  report issued by a government agent that Napoleon was winning the battle at Waterloo. Prices on the London Stock exchange plummeted and Nathan bought up all the stock. The next day, when the report was proven false, and the following day when knowledge of Napoleon’s defeat had reached the streets, the stock market rebounded and stocks went to unprecedented heights. Nathan unloaded his stocks, depositing his enormous profits in the Bank of England. Overnight, Nathan controlled Greta Britain’s central bank.
   Because of Nathan Rothschild’s financial acumen, London became the banking headquarters of the house of Rothschild. All make descendants of this Jewish clan have since been attached to Gentile English Freemasonry, for no exclusively Jewish lodges exist in England. And to this day, no Englishman has ever worked for N.M. Rothschild and Sons, at St. Swithin’s Lane, unless first proving his ability to keep secrets by joining English Freemasonry.  According to British investigative journalist Martin Short in ‘Inside the Brotherhood’ (1989), unless you are a Mason, you do not work for London banks. The current managing director of the Rothschild bank, for example, is Freemason Michael Richardson, who for 5 years (1982-1987) was chairman of the board of the Royal Masonic Hospital.
   Meyer Rothschild got his start in banking by charging European royalty commissions for transferring their gold to safe havens during the Napoleonic Wars. Rothschild shrewdly refused to accept fiat money in payment for his commissions. Instead, he took an agreed upon percentage of the gold he was transporting. Before long, he owned more gold than the kings he served. As the Napoleonic wars dragged on, the monarchs depleted their wealth and then borrowed from Rothschild to continue their fight against the Corsican. The kings authorized Rothschild to issue fiat money and then borrow heavily from it. Of course, this system drove them deeper  into debt, piling interest upon interest. To repay Rothschild they were forced to levy heavy taxes on their people.
   Of the five brothers, Nathan Rothschild reaped the most from this scheme. Just prior to Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo in 1815, the wealth of his bank in London stood at $ 3 Million.  Five years later, his holdings amounted to 7.5 billion. The increase was largely due to Nathan’s profits from the London Stock market crash in June, 1815. We cannot be sure of Nathan’s net worth at the time of his death, but we can make a reasonable guess, bearing in mind that these are only estimates, since no inventory of the Rothschilds estates have ever been filed. In the house of Rothschild, since heirs do not inherit there is no inheritance tax and therefore no requirement for estate inventory.
   James Rothschild’s endeavors also met with success. In 1848, the Paris house was estimated at 600 million francs as against 362 million francs for all the other Paris banks combined. When James died in 1868, the net worth of his bank in US dollars was estimated at $200 Million.
   No records exist concerning the estimated wealth of the Berlin, Vienna, and Naples branches of the Rothschild banking houses. They were strong enough, however, to dominate the money markets of those capitals as well. By the beginning of the 1900’s, the wealth of the house of Rothschild had grown to such proportions that it was estimated that the Rothschilds controlled half of all the wealth on earth. During WWI, the British Rothschild family earned another $100 billion by loaning money to warring nations.  By 1925, their wealth was estimated at $300 billion. By 1940, that figure had increased to $500 billion – which was then about double the entire wealth in the United States of America. And by figuring a modest 5% annual increase since 1940, we can estimate the Rothschilds have accumulated to date well over $7 trillion – which is almost twice what the United States has accumulated in debt during its two hundred year history. And to whom does Uncle Sam owe this debt?  To the Masonic house of Rothschild and its affiliate central banks, which have financed our deficit spending spree since the end of WWII.
   During napoleon’s first exile, the crowned heads of Europe called for the Congress of Vienna to plan a united strategy against the republicanization of Europe. In the course of nine months (Sept. 1814 – June 1815), the map of Europe was redrawn. During this time Napoleon escaped from exile and raised another army, only to be defeated finally at Waterloo. With this second defeat of the French, Great Britain permanently severed the exclusive alliance French Freemasonry had with English Freemasonry. A new alliance, at least in respect to America, was formed between English Grand Lodge bankers and French Grand Lodge bankers. Both cooperated in a century-long struggle to take over the banking system in America.
   the strategy for this new Masonic alliance was contained within the final item on the agenda at the Congress of Vienna, which called for the protection of the wealth of royalty by making of Switzerland a bank with an army attached. Seagirt England, unhampered by the fears of landlocked Vienna, yet as determined to safeguard its own commercial and colonial interests abroad, was in full agreement to ratify Switzerland’s neutrality. In Paris, on Nov. 20, 1815, Switzerland was guaranteed neutrality by France, Austria, Great Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and Russia. Swiss borders since that date have remained stable.
   London, however, did make one demand – Swiss Freemasonry must abandon its French obedienceand adopt the constitution of English Freemasonry. From the beginning of the French empire in 1804, Swiss lodges had been under the French Grand Orient constitution. To guarantee the protection of the financial interests of the Masonic oligarchy in England and on the Continent, English Freemasonry required the control of Swiss lodges for the purpose of intelligence gathering. Hence, shortly after the Congress of Vienna, London began a twenty-four year process of taking over fourteen of the fifteen Swiss lodges and recertifying them under the English Grand Lodge obedience.  Only one Grand Orient lodge was permitted to function, in Geneva, where many international conflicts are resolved. On July 22-24, 1844, the fourteen English constituted Swiss grand lodges organized the Grand Lodge Alpina as their Swiss headquarters in Zurich, where the banking headquarters of the European and British Masonic oligarchy remains to this day.
   With e Masonic oligarchy’s wealth secure in Switzerland, an alliance between the central banks of the five Rothschild brothers in England and on the Continent was solidified. Mirroring their father’s strategy, “Permit me to control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws”, the Rothschild brothers directed from behind the scenes and politics of Europe throughout the first half of the nineteenth century. Their attempt at taking over central banking in the United States during this period, however,  was thwarted at every turn. By the time our Civil War had ended, the Rothschilds had become so suspect to Americans that the banking family was forced to act through the agency of other banking families. The House of Rothschild struck a deal with its German banking competitor, the House of Warburg, which set in motion a plan to establish in central banking in America without the direct involvement of the Rothschild name. Not only were the Warburgs banking competitors, they were Masonic competitors as well. The Warburg brothers, Max, Felix and Paul, were Grand Orient Masons. Nevertheless, Felix’s father in law, Jacob Schiff, also a Grand Orient Mason, was sent to the United States after our Civil War to buy into the existing banking firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. At Schiff’s side was Paul Warburg. Meanwhile, the British House of Rothschild funded J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller to handle its banking interests in America.  By 1913, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the Rothschilds and the Warburgs were in complete control of our nation’s money supply. This Act transferred the control of our money supply from Congress to the Federal Reserve Bank—a central bank not owned by our federal government, but owned by private stockholders who were European and British Masons bent on directing American politics for their own profit.
   The power of the banks to control destinies of nations was leaked to the press after a stockholders meeting  of the Midland Bank of London, England, in 1924. As all banks in London, the Midland Bank has its own Masonic lodge – the Holden Lodge No. 2946. The speaker at the podium of Midland’s January 1924 stockholder’s meeting was Freemason Reginald McKenna, Midland’s chairman of the board and past chancellor of the Exchequer of England from 1915 to 1916. His statement to the stockholders was and is testimony to the financial hold Masonic bankers have on governments to the detriment of the people:
   “I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money…And they who control credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.”

The Stock Market Crash of 1929 & the Great Depression
The Great Depression, which began with the stock market crash in 1929, was created by the Fed. For over a century, British bankers had manipulated financial cycles to create alternate periods of inflation and deflation in order to increase their wealth. They were now poised to make a major killing by manipulating the American stock market for the purpose of forcing our government to abandon gold-convertible currency. Between 1923 and 1929, the Federal Reserve expanded the money supply by 62 percent. Many investors took advantage of this easy-money, borrowing and buying stocks, a process that pushed the stock market to dizzying heights.
   A few concerned congressmen in 1928 scheduled hearings on stabilizing the dollar. At the hearings evidence was disclosed that in 1927, the Federal Reserve Board and  heads of the European central banks, had planned, at a secret luncheon, a major stock market crash. However, the majority of congressmen were Masons (69% of the House and 63% of the Senate), so no action was taken against the fed. Calvin Coolidge was then President, and while not a Mason himself, he was so impressed with them that his entire cabinet were Masons. Among them, serving as his secretary of the treasury, was Royal Arch Mason Andrew Mellon, president of Mellon National bank of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. On Feb. 6, 1929, British Freemason Montague Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, came to Washington to confer with Andrew Mellon. Immediately after the meeting, the Federal Reserve Board reversed its  easy-money policy and began to raise the discount rate. Based upon these and subsequent events, we can deduce that in this meeting with Mellon, British Freemasonry was deliberately directing a course that would bring financial disaster and terrible hardship upon the entire nation: for the purpose of forcing the nation to relinquish its gold reserves. It was not only proper Masonic banking protocol to inform brother Andrew Mellon of the plot so he would know when to get out of the stock market, it also made political sense to keep Secretary Mellon financially solvent lest he shut down their scheme through countermeasures such as closing the  stock market until things cooled down.
   On March 9, 1929, Freemason Paul Warburg signaled all member banks to get out of the stock market or sell short. If they acted immediately, they would reap enormous profits as the Dow Jones plunged. Mellon’s bank was the first to follow Warburg’s advice. Seven months later, on Oct. 24, 1929, the money balloon – which had been constantly inflated by the fed for nearly seven years – exploded. The new president, republican Herbert Hoover, was not a Mason, but his Treasury Secretary was the same Royal Arch Mason appointed by his predecessor – Andrew Mellon, the man who  evidently was the first informed of the timing of the stock market crash.
   The mechanics of the stock market crash are as follows: New York’s Masonic financiers called a 24-hour broker call loans. Stock brokers and their customers were forced to dump their stock on the market in order to pay off the loans. Non-member banks were heavily involved in broker-call claims. Runs soon exhausted coin and currency, forcing banks to close. The Federal Reserve refused to come to their aid, although under law, it had been instructed to do so. For the next four and a half years our nation was plunged into deep depression. Meanwhile, member banks, informed in advance of the Masonic oligarchy to sell short, bought up all the deflated Wall Street stock. Overnight the wealth of the common citizen was transferred to the British banking conspirators for pennies on the dollar. Then they went after our gold.
   On March 1, 1933, 32nd degree Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt became the 32nd President of the United States of America. His treasury secretary was 33rd degree Freemason Henry Morganthau.
   Franklin Roosevelt adopted two banking policies, called the Banking Act of 1933, and the Banking Act of 1935, that gave British Masonic bankers control of our gold supply. The first would take our currency off the gold backed dollars; the second would permit the fed to own the gold confiscated from the citizens. Both acts increased the revenue of the Fed by over $100 Million. On April 5, 1933, after one month in office, Roosevelt issued an executive order requiring American citizens to surrender gold coins, gold bullion and gold certificates – not to the nearest United States mint or depository, but to the nearest privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed redeemed the gold for $20.67 an ounce. After the citizens gold was confiscated, the U.S. government increased the value of gold to $35.00 an ounce.
   Who made the $14.33 profit per ounce?  The privately held Federal Reserve Bank, of course.  In late 1933, the Federal Reserve turned over the surrendered gold, for which it paid, $20,67 per ounce, to the United States mints. In exchange, the fed received Series 1934 gold certificates each with a nominal value of $100,000 – issued on the increase value of $235.00 an ounce – from the US Treasury. On the obverse of the certificates was printed the following statement: “This is to certify that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the United States one hundred thousand dollars in gold payable to bearer on demand as authorized by law.” The Fed had paid approx. $200 million for the citizen’s gold. Six months later, when the gold was delivered to the United States mints, the Fed received Series 1934 gold certificates totalling in value over $300 million. A hefty profit of over $100 million dollars was realized in six months by the British banking fraternity of Freemasons simply for collecting, holding and returning gold that was not theirs.

Hitler and Europe's Gold. Drugs, money Laundering and Offshore Banking
From then on, the ease with which our government could borrow and spend money became habit forming. Deficit spending, which had indebted our government by $1 billion following WWII, increased our debt by the time we reached the moon in 1969 to $100 billion. By the end of the Carter administration our national debt had reached $500 billion. By the end of the Reagan-Bush administration it was over $4 trillion, most of which was spent on military technology for the express purpose of bankrupting the Soviet Union, (which could not compete and was forced to dismantle). The fall of the Soviet empire realized, the bankers began looking for another reason to loan money to our spend crazy government. Anglophile Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar trained on the “merits” of deficit spending by British Masonic professors, came to their rescue in his attempt to get the National Health care Act passed. Republicans, however, saw through this insane act, and put it to rest temporarily. That was, until it was recently resurrected by Barack Obama shortly after taking power in 2008. Currently, this legislation is being held in the courts.
   The primary industry of Great Britain was, and still is, the drug industry, which required the movement of massive amounts of gold bullion to the Orient. Second to English Freemasonry’s drug industry is its banking industry. One industry cannot survive without the other.
   Meanwhile, as the British Masonic-controlled Federal Reserve Bank was confiscating the gold of American citizens in 1933, it had, in 1930 already established a bank in Europe for the same purpose. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland, was poised to receive the gold reserves of European nations during WWII for safekeeping n Switzerland. Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his massive book, ‘Tragedy and Hope’ informs us that the BIS was a “private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations…”  The Encyclopedia Britannica agrees with Quigley, but adds that the BIS was an “international bank established at Basel, Switzerland, as an agency to handle the payment of reparations by Germany after WWI” as specified by the Versailles Treaty in 1919. However, this does not seem to be the real purpose of the BIS.
   Recent information uncovered by Charles Higham, and published in the book, ‘Trading with the Enemy’ (1983), states that the BIS “was to be a money funnel for American and British funds to flow into Hitler’s coffers and to help Hitler build up his war machine”.
   This is a shocking claim to make, but stockholders in the Bank for International Settlements did share something in common. The major stockholder in the BIS was the Bank of England – whose major stockholder, in turn, was the House of Rothschild, which controlled finances for the Round Table groups. Other owners included the Morgan-affiliated First National Bank of New York, the Reichsbank of Germany, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of France, and other central banks. Many of the individuals who were associated with the BIS and named by Higham in his book were either known Masons and/or members of the Round Table groups. Moreover, Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s Minister of Economics and president of the Reichsbank, was a closet English Freemason, who urged British bankers to establish the BIS to fund Hitler’s war. In fact, part of the Bank’s charter, and assented to by the respective governments  involved in the BIS establishment, was that the BIS should be immune from seizure, closure, or censure, whether or not its owners were at war.
   What could possibly motivate the British bankers to finance the arming of Hitler’s Germany? According to Higham, the BIS financed Hitler as a means to another end: to sweep and garner the gold of Europe for the  benefit of the Freemasons. And Freemasonry, as an international organization, has always seen itself as above the laws of any nation. Hitler was to loot the gold reserves of nations conquered by the Nazi army and deposit the gold in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland. The plunder began in March, 1938, a year before WWII began, when Hitler’s troops marched into Austria. One of their first acts was to remove the gold from Austrian banks and pack it into vaults controlled by the BIS. From Vienna, the gold was shipped to Switzerland.
   On March 15, 1939, Hitler followed his storm troopers into Prague, Czechoslovakia. The directors of the Czech National Bank had been arrested and held at gunpoint, while their $48 million in gold reserves were demanded – gold that could not be found in the bank’s vaults. The nervous bankers told Hitler that days earlier the BIS had instructed the Czech bank to forward the gold to the Bank of England. Montague Norman, governor of the Bank of England and a rabid supporter of Hitler, had already made a paper transfer of the gold to Berlin, “for use on buying essential strategic materials toward a future war,” reports Higham.
   In April, 1940, Hitler entered Belgium. The Belgian gold reserves  were shipped to the central bank in France, then transferred to the Reichsbank. From the Reichsbank the gold was shipped to the BIS. The gold reserves of every nation Hitler conquered (except those of France) were shipped to the BIS. When the Germans entered France in 1940, its gold reserve went untouched, since her central bank was a member of the BIS. Gold was taken only from those nations whose central banks were not members of the BIS.
   European nations posed no problem to the conspirators because most of Europe’s gold had been stolen by the Nazis during WWII and was already in their possession. But, what of American gold?  Two-thirds of the world’s gold, worth$24 billion, was held in the United States at Fort Knox. And gold in the Second World of communist nations and the Third World of non-aligned, or underdeveloped nations was required. How could the IMF get these sovereign nations to give up their hordes of precious metals?
   The Bretton Woods conspirators devised an elaborate scheme for this form of “legal” asset stripping. The plan called for the central banks in member nations of the United Nations to donate a percent of their assets in the IMF. Twenty-five percent of that donation, were to come from each nations .995 fine gold reserves, while 75% was to be in their own national currency. Following this initial donation, member nations were to contribute annually in the same percentages. The United States, was to contribute the greatest amount.
   The financial cost of this to the United States can be gauged from the following one year contribution of U.S. funds to the IMF: The 1983 quota increase demanded of the United States by the IMF and , and passed by an Anglophile dominated Senate, was $8.6 billion, substantially more than any other single nation’s contribution. – This is a contribution, not a loan or an investment.
   With these figures, how many annual contributions would it take to deplete the $24 billion of gold stock at Fort Knox? It took fourteen years, from 1945-1959, to liquidate the American gold reserves in this manner. Today, there is no .995 fine delivery gold in Fort Knox. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, good delivery gold was gone from Fort Knox by the end of the 1950s.
   Before the Bretton Woods conference had adjourned, the formation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was discussed, and a year later it was founded under the auspices of the United Nations.  The same Anglophile central bank stockholders who controlled the majority of stock in the BIS and the Federal Reserve Bank, were also the major stockholders of the IMF. The Bretton Woods plan proposed to establish not only the IMF, but also another bank – The International Bank for Reconstruction and development – also known as the World Bank, to be headquartered in Washington, D.C.The World Bank would provide the war-torn nations of Europe and the Pacific rim with funds to purchase cheap raw materials from Third World nations financed by the IMF.
    Beginning in the mid-1960’s, another problem faced the Bretton Woods system: the rapid growth of the space program and the arms race between the East and the West was breaking the bank. In fact, there was not enough gold in the world to sustain such rapid expansion, which would have the same effect as spiraling inflation – the Bretton Woods system would collapse. To prevent the impending financial disaster these problems posed, English Masonic operative and CFR member, David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission to study the situation. At the founding meeting, Triangle Paper 14, “Towards a Renovated International System”, concluded that the 1944 Bretton Woods system had already “come under increasing strain” and events had forced traumatic changes. Part of the changes included the phasing out of the gold standard, which freed gold reserves for use in English Freemasonry’s illegal drug trade.
   In March, 1983, the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee (SPIS) issued a report entitled, “Crime and Secrecy: The Use of Offshore Banks and Companies”. The report, the outcome of a two-year study by the U.S. Senate, charged that the $1.7 trillion Euromarket system (the Bretton Woods replacement, also controlled by the IMF), is heavily dominated by narcotics traffickers, smugglers, and organized crime cartels which are financially looting the United States. The report documented how the international narcotics trade, “the biggest business in the world”, was conducted through the secret electronic transfer of funds to Switzerland from offshore (meaning unregulated) banking centers.
   One of the most devastating aspects of the SPIS investigation was the identification of the International Monetary Fund – the supranational agency allegedly created to help countries in financial straits – as knowingly participating in the design of banking policies which promote the world narcotics trade. The evidence presented showed that from the 1960s, the IMF and the Bank of England have participated in, protected, encouraged, defended, and even helped run offshore banking centers, with the knowledge that many of these havens are in turn used as central control points for the highest levels of the drug trade.
   The SPIS report takes as its starting point the estimation by experts that the illegal drug economy in the United States ranges from $100 to $330 billion in flight capital (money that leaves the country) annually (1983 figures); or around ten percent of the total U.S. Gross National Product. The study also reports that London is the leading center worldwide for the concealment of these funds; and that two-fifths of all foreign banking activities out of Switzerland are performed in conjunction with other offshore centers. Switzerland was thus the center for the practice of what is called the “layering” of secret financial accounts sp that the beneficiary is impossible to determine. The report named the banks in the United States and Canada through which illegal drug money is laundered. They are Canada’s Bank of Nova Scotia, Barclay’s Bank, and offshore divisions of David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank. The CEOs of all these banks are also members of British Freemasonry’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission (TC).
   The Masonic oligarchy met in Hong Kong on June 4, 1985, for its annual deliberation. In that meeting, according Switzerland’s most powerful banker, Freemason Rainer E. Gut of the giant Credit Suisse, the British Masonic banking fraternity plans the demolition of all national supervision of national credit markets, and the final integration into the so-called international “Euromarket”.
   The Euromarket, based in Switzerland, London, and various private islands, and subject to no scrutiny by national financial authorities, depends on a $300 billion per year flow of money from illegal flight capital, tax evasion, narcotics, and other criminal activities, to stay in business.

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