This is why a shift in personal value is needed, planet-wide.. This change in values must begins with education. With good, proper and sane education, everyone can understand the principles.. This is one planet, we are one speicies, and must change our personal value to be able to acheive changes that will allow humanity to survive the long run !
Must be done before it's too late..
The single most exploited rhetoric which led to the most horrific nightmares of human history. Add "one nation" to it to make the flavor stronger.
As long as you define what "sane" and "good" is, I'm fine with it. Please, take my kids as well.
You have evidently left your skepticism behind, or you were never introduced to it. I'm assuming you will tend to use the word "science" whenever you assume you are not talking to someone with proper "authority". Ah right, here it comes...
That's why I dont lose too much time arguing, I prefer to do my research and trt my best at educating young minds that have'nt been too much corrupted yet !
Tell me what you are researching exactly...
No, what is needed is just mass-education based on plain-science, evidence, and what's actually concidered true !
The scientific method, there is no almost, maybe, but.. there is just plain-simple-fact
Sooo... Please show me the scientific evidence behind your assertions. Or any assertion by TZM for that matter. And what will you mass-educate? What is considered true, by whom?
What is the scientific method by the way? Which school of thought are you talking about? Is it well-defined? Where does it come from? Can you scientifically prove the scientific method?
If you did really want to describe it thoroughly, you would find out that you actually don't know what you mean by "the scientific method". There is science, which is the honest pursuit of truth. And then there is academia, and the heuristics they use. The method itself is pretty much arbitrary actually, and dependent on the specific branch of science and school of thought.
And, dude, with scientific method,
everything is "almost", "maybe" and "but". It's the one thing that separates science from religion.
"Plain simple facts" is the defining characteristic of dogma. Go read about philosophy of science. While at it, read Bakunin as well, as a few hundred years old criticism of the movements that are "based on science" (he actually directed it towards Marxists, but will apply to TZM just fine, you'll see.)
Oh, I see, you are more enlighten than the hundreds of thousand folks in ZM ?
What an enlightened comment...