Zero proof it works.
No demos
No videos
No screenshots.
I simply ask the following proof of concept.
What can you show us?
see below you mention pre orders mid june or late june
where is the video?
I am reading this now
read discord
I still don't see a product
I don't see a way to order
I don't see the boost it gives.
I do see you missed your dates of mid June to take a preorder and you are about to miss the late June you mentioned.
If you read the discord, you'd read that they are behind on this because of the BCU1525 launch/sales. They will catch up.
This is a weird reply, you are coming in here like you have been wronged and they owe you something. I don't get it.
Legendary members who post on the "dwarf miner" FPGA thread (scam inside) don't want to see another FPGA scam on the forum. They are therefore suspicious.
This is far different than the dwarf miner thread. No money has changed hands, no corny videos, no dubious claims.
No money has changed hands? If the products page is accurate, as much as $3.2 Million may have already "changed hands." I merited Phiipma's post because 1) I am very interested in the product and 2) I am very interested in NOT being ripped off. Probably sounds like everyone else here, or at least I hope.
Where are the posts from people who bought up all of the mineority GPUs and where are the blogs reporting performance of these enhanced pieces of equipment? My understanding is that Mineority had a supply of GPU rigs which quickly sold out. Well then, there should be videos all over the place and reports about what is unique about the equipment.
I want to see this project move on to be a complete success but based on my experience I just have to see more before I commit several thousand dollars to anything. Yes, there are links to credible companies. Yes, there are real faces in new videos which is great. There are even photos of key team members apparently taken in some sort of Xilnix tech hall of fame/awards room.
Maybe a video with Vosk Coin which would include actual visual performance verification would push me over the edge and order a few. For now, the videos are of people I've known for just a few weeks. Comparatively, there are people in this scene I feel like I've known my whole life even though I've only been following them for around a year.
And... I can tell you I did buy something because of all this: Xilnix stock. No brainer even if this FPGA craze turns out to be bunk (which I doubt... but still have reservations)... I mean just look at the technicals, AI development, and other markets emerging... perfect time to buy their stock.
Where is the product page? I think you might be confusing this product with something else.