"Hey-yo 10-4 good buddy... Just a 109 on the roger delta over and out!" Shouts my old chum in his endearing military clip. It really is good to see him, but why now?
"Operations have been narrowing in for quite some time mi compadre, quite some time," he pauses briefly to turn the gooey cigar butt in his war-battered jaw."you might say we are approaching an event horizon concerning all things Kenny "little G" Slaughter, and it looks like the chickens are coming home to roost!"
This is incredable, almost too good to be true, but it is not, not by a long shot. No siree. Uh-uh. We haven't even opened the mysterious email from Kenny and already it seems international events are in escalation as we speak! What will happen next?
Stay tuned to this thread for more shocking adventures of two fisted microchip engineering and rye-soaked "coding" from the dossier marked "Kenny, a fool in the city"