You guys really ought to learn how to let go. Be still and let this thread fall away with your lost bitcoins. It will bring you peace. Oh, and next time, only gamble using money you can afford to lose. Not every start up succeeds and hopefully you're a little wiser and won't make the same mistake again. Ken hasn't scammed anyone, he just failed to make a success of the company. Simples.
keep stirring the pot and keep calling woodlaw or other law firms to keep the pressure on ken.
keep the fire burning under his ass - dont let him sleep well at night, dont let him scam anyone else, and put him in jail with all the other scum that prey on others (pedophiles and rapists)
ps: ken did not just fail at a company, he failed repeatedly, did not keep promises, halfassed everything, obscured the truth, owned his own mining equipment on the side (737GH of avalon gear, anyone remember that he had that from virtually day 1?). Financials were due months ago, but all we saw were delays and a mining farm that couldnt pass 50% of the promised capacity.