Since bitfunder closed, and all shares transferred back to ActM for holding, we have not received dividends of any kind.
What is happening with our shareholdings?
I completely agree. At the very least, how many dividends are we owed? I am fine with even waiting longer if it means we are almost complete with a colored coin implementation, but for pete's sake give us some concrete information, a new screenshot, what works, what doesn't, how many people are working on it, is it just actM working on it or is AsicMiner working with you guys, have you guys considered using something like mastercoin for the time being, anything at all. We need some cold hard concrete information. No whitewashing of (everything is doing well, we are almost done, just a bit more, lots of progress), something concrete with actual details.
Somewhat related, going further, have you guys considered working with AsicMiner to help each other get a distributed exchange out quicker? I am sure it is in pretty much all companies with shares best interests to get a distributed exchange going.