Sigh. If only eASIC were BTC compatible.
If the conversion isn't finished yet, this wrinkle may further delay the NRE payment.
Tradehill Bitcoin Accounts Moving to Credit Union must provide government-issued photo identification and a social-security number to transition their Tradehill account to the credit union, according to the e-mail.
Accounts are being frozen today, and clients who don’t want to switch to the credit union have the option to liquidate their holdings, according to the e-mail.
Hashfast (now taping out) and Cointerra (ASIC dream team) accept BTC.
It's time to accept that ACTM's 'first 28nm to market' window of opportunity has closed, and split the BTC between the two most credible full custom vendors. $500,000/order will get us nice bulk discounts, and a great hedge (as well as miner protection against ROI-killing difficulty).
The barriers to entry are too high for a one man/family business to be competitive.
ACTM should follow ice.drill's model and put tons of big, hot, fast chips down in the Batcave.