Should have at least got pictures of the inside... why didn't that happen?
What specifically did you ask and talk about?
I was expecting a Q/A report... even if he deferred, state it.
Believe it or not you can't just whip your camera out and take pictures on private property.
You also don't get to "expect" anything. I already explained that it was told to me to wait for Ken for the questions so that's what I'll be doing. I already told you that I'll be writing a report and it might not be exactly what you want but it will be what you get. If you want something specific then go visit yourself (they have no problems with visitors) or find someone you trust in springfield to do it.
You promised to ask real questions -- you came back with "I got a good vibe from Gerald."
You promised to document what you found with pics.
You have delivered a pic of a mobo with a clock and fan motor guts. Cute.
You could not possibly have forgotten to ask "what, exactly, have you shipped?"
You're back to your Terrahash bullshit like a dog to his vomit.