How will we prove the shares are ours after Bitfunders total shutdown on December the 15th? All I have is a screenshot (Photoshop anyone?) relating my Bitfunder user name and the shares I transfered to AMC-TENDER.
My public bitcoin adress is my wallet adress. Not a Coinbase web-wallet address "where I can sign in from", wich I don't even know what exactly means. Should I open a web-wallet and change my public bitcoin adress in Bitfunder for that one? wouldn't that make things worse?
I can't really see how Ken will relate wallet addresses with transfered shares, or how we can prove that after Bitfunder's shutdown, and how we will then prove those wallet addresses are ours.
Sorry if this has been discused before, but I thought it could be a balsam for many of us to shed some light on this matter instead of the constant speculation based on wishful thinking and trollist pesimism that has taken on this thread.
thank you
When Ken receives the shares, he also has a log of the Bitfunder name and Address that they were tied to.
When you go to "Claim" your shares you will likely just have to sign a message
It's a very easy process, some web wallets make it even easier to sign but honestly just follow the youtube video.
Even if you mess up for whatever reason, your shares are still attached to that wallet, dividends will go to that wallet until you do submit a signed message that is correct.
There's nothing to worry about.