Lol to Eduardo going into OVERDRIVE today.
That is a great sign for everyone. You can almost smell his desperation.
Right on cue, just as shares are about to be traded live again he pulls out all the stops. The timing is impeccable - could he possibly want cheap shares? mmmmmmm
OK about this point: sometimes the Trolls have a point.
Well what that means is sometimes a Troll
states the obvious. They don't really make good points atall, they make
obvious points.
Yes Ken's comms have been lacking - err we know
No we have no hard evidence of a miner - except the eASIC press release that's right
No we don't know what wages the staff are drawing - no we don't
No we don't have very detailed accounts - no we don't
Now personally I think the reason we are not hard on Ken on these areas is because of the ever present pressure from the Trolls. They actually prevent a healthy discussion and strong questioning of Ken on here
because everyone is always working on battling the lies and disruption from the Trolls.Before the Trolls appeared on this thread we shareholders questioned Ken. We also battled with him over the original IPO - and it was changed significantly. We got a much better deal for the shareholders. MUCH much better. Ken redacted his original IPO to his own detriment. He put himself in the position where he now needs to make around 25-50Million dollars of profit for shareholders BEFORE he gets
any money from the dividends.
So the point is we are more than capable of taking Ken to task without the Trolls. And we would do a much better job without their input. But while they are so active on here posting multiple times per page we are distracted from doing so. Ken is also so fed up he has all but abandoned interacting on the thread. This means the Trolls are being very effective. You can't deny that. But they are effective at
total disruption not at questioning Ken on the specifics that we all want to know.