Almost 90% of the people who have a thing against gambling do so because they feel that gambling is addictive. But come to think of it, isn't addiction a choice? After reading lots of stories on the effects of being an addicted gambler, I feel it's 100% possible to tell myself that I can never be addicted to gambling and won't ever get addicted.
This most subjected discussion gambling addiction is actually a choice as you said which everyone beginner gamblers has always taken caution about so that it does not become a thing of them but how really do they finally becomes a victim?
Obviously they can not tell it and at some extend when you try to call on their attention about their addiction they would neither not agree with you that they have fallen the addictive victim. How?
It all happened as tolerance of loosing more than what they can afford to loose then let go of it which occurs time after time and just because they could control their emotions at when looses for huge amounts, they never realizes that an addition is approaching not until they come to track their gambling records and also their savings then they will understand that they have been betting and loosing more that is affecting their financial goals.
At some points, it may become a time of courage to refrain from their addiction while otherwise, it becomes uncontrollable by which they would keep up gambling irresponsibly with the same goal of chasing profits or trying to recover their losts.
There then, it becomes an accidental addiction which they do not know how it began and was not a choice for them.
Nobody wakes up and says, "Im gonna be a gambling addict." It sneaks up on you. You lose a little, you try to win it back, and before you know it, you're in a hole you cant climb out of. And its not about being careless. Everyone starts small, but gambling messes with your head. It makes you think you're smarter than you are, luckier than you are. Its a trap.
The worst part is, it happens so slow you barely notice. One day you're having fun, the next day you're obsessed. You think you're in control, but you're not. It takes over your life. It hurts the people you love. It ruins everything. But you gotta face it. You gotta admit you have a problem.
The good news is, you're not alone. There's help out there. There's technology now that can keep track of your habits, show you when you're going off the rails. Its like having a friend watching your back, a friend who knows what you're going through and wants to help you win this fight.