This is timely and relevant especially now that we are in a holiday season wherein there are several occasions that are really festive such as thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year in which people really tend to overspend over something that isn't really necessary just to boost their ego and brag in social media. During these trying times, it would be much better to just spend within your means only or even below it if possible to avoid having loans that could result in chains of financial problems in the future. Just spend what you can afford to spend. Do not go over your budget as it would cause huge trouble later on. If you don't have the budget to buy something you just want, then stop eyeing it in the meantime and just save until you can already buy it. It would be a smart move to allocate your finances as early as now on the things you have to buy for the celebrations and for the gifts to your loved ones.
If you don't really need the money like for an emergency reason, my advice is to just hold until this season is over. Since the market is down, you will not really get the best out of your portfolio by now. If you could wait, then just wait for next year. But of course, the decision is still yours to make. After all, we have different goals and we enjoy things in various ways. As for me, I practice delayed gratification to achieve what I want to achieve and to really enjoy the fruit of my labor and patience.
Do what suits you best, that is the best advice I could give aside from unsolicited opinion to hold your coins. Just do spend responsibly. You can always enjoy today without sacrificing and robbing your future.