Because of the huge number of restaurants and food cords, they have a big chance that some of them will adopt their product. They just need to be patient and let it evolve with natural way of spreading the good reviews among food providers and users.
Especially since it costs the restaurant owners absolutely nothing to give it a try:
"Customer table reOrder terminals installation is free and therefore easily affordable for New York retail business owners. Ready to deploy solution provide seamless next day operation"
You sure you're reading that right? The installation is free, but what about the price of the terminals themselves? Or is Reorder going to sponsor those devices? Not a bad idea, they'll earn it back on commissions.
Installation is free, they dont say the terminals will be free.
Maybe restaurant can rent those or buy.
Hardware is also free. But it will probably run on commodity hardware and won't be very expensive.
Just some linux terminal with a touch screen probably.
@Dev do you have a demo video available to see the ordering process?
It's app for ipad not for linux.
You can find demo right here