Instructions how to confirm your participation in the lottery here
Still don't' understand, sorry, but it appears I still don't have the concept of this lottery, I read that somehow you need LTE to increase your chances to be declared the winner, but I don't know how one will get more LTE, is it in exchange, what I gain in participating if I don't want to participate with etc? or is not necessary, I still don't understand, there a lot of information spread arround.
Agreed. The concept is not really clear to me either.
Dev, can you re-explain clearly the full lottery process?
1. First the participation confirmation (1 Lte is removed) through the use of the participiateInTokenLottery function.
2. Waiting for 1000 confirmations.
3. Announcement of the time of the lottery.
4. At the announced time, all participants buy tickets through the BuyTicketForTokenLottery function
5. The first transaction processed by the Ethereum platform wins 10%, each 10, 20 and 100 also win their%.
If we quickly hold an auction for the sale of shares in the profits of the project, then I will have the means to develop a website-application of this smart contract and everything will become easier, clearer and more convenient!
Thanks for the information.
How many participants you have for now?
The number of registered participants in the Mist is visible in the list, in Mew one by No. - participiateInsTokenLottery function
Now 62 confirmed participation