LOL, don't kill yourself, man! The life is so beautiful!
. If you have invested in some bad altcoins, now you should sell them immediately and buy BTC or others good coins. Don't worry. Try your best every day, you will not be disappointed!
We cannot become good traders or good at anything we find to do, until the understanding that it takes peaks and bottoms for any market/endeavor to make a headway and things won't always work as planned or expected, but our ability to manage failures, lost, disappointments, etc makes all the difference. We need the right knowledge and skills an open eyes and mind to see the next turn and act accordingly. Life is whatever we make of it, take responsibility!
Right now the market is looking forward to Segwit2x hard fork and the supposed free money that goes with that, is going to be weighing much on the market and that is the exact reason Bitcoin is going to sour much higher before the hard fork.