There is no history of this Overchuk except for Amber.
To me it seems she just made that profile for Amber starting 2014. For that matter it seems like a false profile anyway.
I am no hacker but any help would be appreciated.
The payment in BTC would only delay Amber's team to pay their dividends more.
Either they used their sales for personal profit for short term gain, or long term gain.
AmbercoinDev stated and I quote
"But crypto shareholders at the moment have relatively small overall share in the Company."
This is wrong for many reasons
1) A shareholder small or big is paid it's dividend, small or big
2) If we are small shareholders, it's just a fraction of the profit they have to pay right?
Small shareholder has less to say - the big fishes (shareholders) decided that dividends will be postponed. If they pay dividends to small investors, thay should also pay to the big ones.
But as Mig-23 said - the dividends payment is the most important thing now.
There was promised, we will get Q3 dividends and the date of payment should be known (another promise) today. So if DEV want to be serious, he should answer our question: when dividends for those, who don't want to reinvest into shares, will be paid.
Well my friend that is the real problem here right now.
Please check the above statements/information.
They will wait till 5/1 for replies. So more delay.
If they get a lot of people to say yes give more shares
They can pay the small shareholders
If they don't get that, they will probably run away, Since they have to pay Q3 and Q4 dividens.
Because while making millions in revenue, they can't pay 70k in dividends... Poor AmberCoin LTD, poor polish/ukrain scum/scam bags.