There are 4 votes that came from unregistered addresses.
This could happen if they comes from "CHANGE" Input of registered address.
To avoid this use "Coin Control" feature.
If you are 1 of those 4 shareholders then you should re-send your vote from your registered address.
P.S. These 4 votes will not be taken into account because it is impossible to determine its owners.
@AmbercoinDev - I sent (1) vote from my new address ATNyJLAMAzHjhW3FH9a3Wm2acv8kPFkkwN - for BTC
as a precaution - I also sent (1) vote from my old address AJxXQbVXcdtGXfYC3RWCoWk4eupHhi7E8C - for BTC
As you know my wallet was stolen and I have lost all of my coins. So please apply one of these votes to #63 on the list.