I think I've discovered why he won't post a signed message. It's because this guy is almost certainly the owner/operator of the cloudmining.website/minethatcloud ponzi's.
Compare these ramblings:
You have made a grave mistake by saying cloudmining.website is working 'smooth' for you. Now, the five man army (
Jimmothy, Raskul, Puppet, Mabshark, Mr.Teal) have to put in enormous effort to prove your statement is wrong. Otherwise their bosses at HaveLock/AM hash may cancel their year end perks.
To me it is very clear that you are one of their supporters, or even involved in the scam alongside with Puppet(of AM), Mr.Teal, raskul, etc...
How likely is it that these fresh accounts with broken English, both came up with the same misconception/conspiracy theory? (Keep in mind russianrainbow/germangiant/spanishsoldier are all the same person and the owner/operator of the cloudmining.website ponzi)
Russianrainbow/GG/SS thinks everyone who doesn't support his ponzi must be working for AM/HL, but I don't know how "airwolf" could have come up with the same conspiracy theory. (unless it's the same guy)
Raskul (who has likely never said something supportive of AM/HL) hasn't even posted in this thread and I haven't seen Puppet or Mr. Teal post anything that would remotely suggest they are AM/HL shills.
I'm guessing this thread is just retaliation for causing his "minethatcloud" ponzi to collapse prematurely and hurting his "cloudmining.website" ponzi sales. Or maybe this is just another scam of his.