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Hy этo пyть нa 30к. Taм cидит бoльшaя нeдeльнaя пoддepжкa. A тaм пocмoтpим.
Ho вы видитe, двoйнoй тoп и тaкoe мoщнoe cнижeниe... И дивepгeнция мaкд нa нeдeльныx нaмeкaeт, чтo пaдeниe бyдeт эпичecким. Имeннo этo я имeл ввидy 4 дeкaбpя, зaпocтив этoт мeм.
C дpyгoй cтopoны, я нe пoнимaю. Инфляция жe выxoдит из-пoд кoнтpoля, этo виднo нeвoopyжённым глaзoм. Кaк мoжeт битoк в тaкиx ycлoвияx дoлгocpoчнo пaдaть? Toгдa пoлyчaeтcя вcё-тaки инфляция пoд кoнтpoлeм. Этo FED шлaнгoм пpикидывaeтcя...
Well, it's a 30k way. There sits a lot of weekly support. And we'll see.
But you see, the double top and such a massive decline... And the weekly MACD divergence hints that the fall will be epic. That's what I meant on December 4th when I posted this meme.
On the other hand, I don't understand. Inflation is getting out of control, it can be seen with the naked eye. How can the cue ball fall in such conditions for a long time? Then inflation is still under control. This FED is pretending to be a hose...
Regarding inflation, it is high because of
supply constraints, not monetary largess. This is why the market is reacting this way and why the Fed is making a massive policy error. The market knows it is a policy error hence the sell off. The Fed will eventually work this out and will change their tune soon enough.
Hahaha. You don't believe the trillions in BRRR money-printing had no effect on inflation? They also said inflation is "transitory". Stop listening to "them".
The monetary inflation (QE etc.), which we have had a massive amount of since 2008 has increased asset prices only. If you care to look over the inflation numbers since that time you'll notice that not only are assets up a hell of a lot, but also CPI inflation was low up until 2021.
So all that Brrr money did nothing to CPI until recently, why? Because giving money to the rich via monetary inflation over a decade doesn't push up the CPI, only asset prices. The rich invest 99% of their wealth, hence no CPI impact. What pushed up CPI starting from last year? Massive fiscal (money to the poor) stimulus, the poor spend 99% of their wealth hence increase in CPI, combined with massive supply constraints.
Up until the Ukraine invasion these supply constraints had peaked, but with the invasion and the sanctions that went with it, along with Covid close downs now in China, those supply issues will probably be around for at least another year.
So yes CPI inflation will now remain high until all that changes. At the moment there aren’t any fiscal responses, but if that does happen, expect more CPI inflation.
Honestly, it’s really not too hard to understand, there are 2 types of inflation, CPI and monetary, both move around for mostly very different reasons, but on a rare occasion it can be the same reason.
Edit: I do believe some of the brrr money had an effect, the fiscal stimulus side only, but the monetary inflation since 2008 did not. Fiscal ended a while ago now, if it doesn't start again and CPI reamins high it will be that way because of the supply issues.