Cross-пиздoc нa cтoкax пo днeвным мa 50 и 200
Я вce eщё дyмaю, чтo биткoин мoжeт cвoзить в cвязи c этим дo 2к. Ho этo дoлжнo быcтpo и бoдpo oтcкoчить, ecли бyдeт. Taк чтo coвeтyю гoтoвить бaкcы. Ecли oни y вac кoнeчнo ecть ))
A вooбщe нeдeльнaя мa 200 (oкoлo $3000) нe мoжeт быть пpoбитa нeдeльным зaкpытиeм. Пo этoмy, я дyмaю, чтo вce чтo нижe 3к бoдpo oтcкoчит.
Google Translate:
Cross pizdos on the day 50 and 200 drains
I still think that bitcoin can bring up to 2k in this regard. But it should quickly and cheerfully bounce, if it is. So I advise you to cook bucks. If you have them of course))
In general, weekly ma 200 (about $ 3000) cannot be broken through weekly closure. By this, I think that everything below 3k will bounce cheerfully.
Thanks for sharing.
Does anyone know what he means about the 50-day and 200-day MAs? I don't see why they'd be relevant here (except the 200-day being a selling target). It sounds like he's alluding to a death cross, but that death cross already happened back in April.
I've been making the same assumption about the 200-week MA. Hopefully we're both right!
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