I have 13x1080 TIs card and they are working perfectly with pill, just awesome
However, my 6x1080 RIG have issues. Whenever I start a pill, my PC crash. I tried to open run program on my PC and typed this
C:\Users\RIG2\Desktop\Mining\OhGodAnETHlargementPill-master\OhGodAnETHlargementPill-r2.exe --revA 0,1,2,3,4,5
now PC dont crash but I got artifacts on the screen. What I am doing wrong? My 1080 RIG doesnt have the same 1080 cards. How should I know which ones are revA?
I am not a tech guy, so please help and thank you in advance
Read in some above pages, someone has mentioned using the command withou --revA