Yeah they have yet to respond to my ticket, when is 2give staking supposed to start... at present i have about 200k give to start with
That's a great question -- we are planning on modeling 2Give on the work our peers at CleanWaterCoin recently completed, including their new MODERN wallet which is absolutely beautiful -- and includes a Donate tab (there is an automatic small donation built into every transaction now -- actually as an additional tx to support their Foundation that we'll be including, likely as a un-checkbox option)
Here is what the CleanWaterCoin wallet looks like on Mac OS X
*Photo credit: Strength in Numbers Foundation Coinlab
Their staking is on a 30-day schedule which makes a lot of sense and aligns with the global expectations of the "banked" world.
I'm happy to report that we just saw our Mac Wallet "stake" yesterday -- I have a screen shot I will be uploading sometime today to show the proof.
Our modeling for the new air-drop plan combined with the desire to attract more users to the coin suggests that we may want to increase the over-all supply and hold some coins in reserve to attract other coinbase holders.
It's very early but here is what we are thinking:
1. 2Give would have a larger POS base of coins than Givecoin 1.0
2. Strength in Numbers Foundation (SNF) would offer an equitable exchange (example 2:1 or 3:1 depending on the new total supply) to all current Givecoin 1.0 holders -- those coins would be held in visible provable address for a period of time and then likely destroyed at the end of the exchange period (expected to be open for at least 90 days)
3. SNF could use additional blocks of coins to attract other coinbase holders to exchange their coins for 2Give -- for example, we could invite Karma holders to switch to 2Give since that is also recently changed to X11 based.
4. The plan to do the "2Give2Get" program where we would reward people for SENDING coins to new users means having a cache of coins to reward the senders.
The strategy is to have all coins in circulation within five years.
Critical to achieving this will be based on the timing of our obtaining our federal 501.3c status -- which has just started through a contract we made with to handle our paperwork.
We want to do this RIGHT not OVER.
Again, these are just the EARLY analysis ideas. We want to learn from others mistakes! Most recently the STARTcoin team did a coin-swap that was pretty rough but is now showing their 2.0 coin is generating a lot of interest and appears to be increasing in value and utility.
We believe that the significant investment we are making through our charitable work with the non-profit makes this a very compelling story to tell! Since since we ourselves cannot profit personally from this, we think that we have a credible story to tell that almost no other coinbase can claim.
I'll reach out to Bittrex to get them to allow Givecoin 1.0 deposits and withdrawals to occur since we are "fixing" the KGW implementation in 2Give.
In the mean time, you can help! Please introduce Givecoin to a friend or family member and send them at least 100 coins -- explain to them that this is exactly how Bitcoin works! Everyone I have personally done this with has been very appreciative -- because even though the coins themselves aren't valuable -- you have SHOWN them how crypto-currencies work! And that is 90% of the challenge we have in brining in more people to the new digital economies.
Thank you for your continued time and attention! It means a lot to me personally that you are here and have joined our dialogue.
David V Duccini
Executive Director
Strength in Numbers Foundation