Try this method, do the same thing but instead of finishing the downloaded files. Erased all the files in the 42 coin directory under local user . Copy the wallet.dat file and reopen the wallet. If that don't work, then what is the size of the file wallet.dat and if it's more then 1kbyte open it with notepad and search for your wallet address'll might find some interesting things in your wallet.dat file using notepad!! If it's under 1kbyte then it's corrupted
Thx, I tried that. It started loading the app and I left the computer.
Now I came back, and I am absolutely confused!
It was not that much inside the wallet, but it allegedely is sent away! I didn't even wait for the app to open, as I said, I left and no one was at the computer!
It is absolutely ridiculous and I wonder if there is any error..?
Here is a screenshot: can this happen? I am afraid to reinstall the app folder contents as by then maybe it is vanished or I can't do anything about it? How can it be, that an app sends away funds
on its own??
Thanks for anyone sheding light here...I did not wanted to sell those coins (it's a fairly small amount), cause I think the long term value will be much higher I and want to keep those assets.
where can I check the receiving adress? Is there any website monitoring the transactions?