No hurry!
Its just an idea. And as long A dev is active i'm more then pleased
I like 'Producer' has a better ring to it
plus I might get pens thrown at me by the C++ guy's if I say dev.
I am very active
when most coins are worked on by most network's the main effort is to get it listed to an exchange, then pump group's have to be fought with or argued with and the coin alway's needs to be defended in pubic to retain value, thats alot of work for me to stomach and keep on the path of bringing new user's to cryptocurrency at the same time, so I stay focused on the real goal of getting the new user's to take a look at what this is.
When I drop a deal for some fitness gear in exchange for ACT then we will have some curious people begin to take interest, these people will already have heard of bitcoin most likely and when they want to get some ACT they will familiarize themselves with cryptocurrency and half the battle of getting them involved will be over.
This is not a fun named coin that becomes traded like a digital Pog (I am a fan of some of them) this coin is meant to compliment bitcoin remember, and become accepted by merchants, recorded in their accounting logs, and to be spoken of as profit by the merchant's as they intend to maintain a respectable face, to their community, investor's, and peer's.
Merchants have a lot to lose if they accept "make believe internet money" (My wife used to give me a hard time calling it that
) even a harder time if its got a name like crazycoin (though tattoo shops might fare alright), so although hundreds of people are jumping on this train and that cause of great logo's and great animal names, the cryptocurrencies most of the world can accept will have quality's like btc & ltc, when it comes to your money your probably very serious about it, right? Me too, but at the same time store credit's or gift cards and the such I can be very lighthearted about (like Doge) I could never give Activecoin the image Doge has or even btc, somewhere in the middle is where it is.
When telling anyone about it don't go into trying to tell them about the blockchain, and how its supposed to work by encrypted technology and how its going to benefit the world by being a peer to peer network, people get lost in that, Fast! Just say what your opinion is of who its designed for, what it will be used for, and then maybe if they can get it while its cheap you can sell them on cryptocurrency (you know the naysayer in your life)
In fact, try telling your friends who workout, ride bikes, play tennis, football whatever - a coin was made for them (stay away from the tech side of the conversation though unless they are into it).
I will stay active