Block with id: <2fb394d67664ed3d20939a533c7c13088001b49e63f2e892af2315d81c90a442> failed to add transaction to blockchain storage
[P2P3]tx with id: <04136f79f83d366137f37af3c6c3754fe59353a1247fabd9f358e2b85372d1a7> in block id: <2fb394d67664ed3d20939a533c7c13088001b49e63f2e892af2315d81c90a442> already in blockchain
try to sinchronize on final update of aeond on linux
i try to synchronize from 0 block
That is a very strange error, as that block is from 2 years ago. Are you by chance trying to use a 32 bit build?