Ok, so the trades alone are not going to make the coin live... and be self-sustaining, even with the best market manipulation.
What is being done for services, integration, and "Ease of customer use". (Lets face it, these wallets intended for mining and geeks, are NOT customer friendly, at all.)
What we need is a wallet, that is simply a wallet, with wallet-tools. (A KISS program that doesn't require users to create files and open ports and setup RPC and add nodes or show technical useless information, while it actually has the missing user-demanded functions that no wallet has.)
Missing things...
- Manual paper-wallet details (For use to manually back-up or create a wallet and the keys.)
- CSV text-exporting of all wallet addresses, for recreation that the "raw wallet" can not do, when restoring from an older wallet with only the original 100 pre-made addresses in it. The additional addresses beyond that 100 become lost forever. You can never guess what they were. Unless you use a "fixed repeatable pseudo-random number generator and a seed". Which these wallets do not have. They are random by time. Thus, not repeatable.
- CSV text-exporting of transaction data, for records, which can actually be read by spread-sheet programs.
- QR-Codes (Easy and free to add to the wallet.)
- Encryption-safety (Telling people they will lose all the coins in the wallet is not only stupid, but unnecessary. The wallet could easily "create a new encrypted wallet, and simply deposit the coins from the unencrypted wallet, into the encrypted wallet that is made. Then, once successfully transferred, the old unencrypted wallet could be archived, just in-case, and the encrypted wallet made the primary wallet. That was just a way to destroy innocent coins, and did NOT have to be done that way. Don't contribute to that fucked-up programming ethic.)
- No mining crap in the "consumer wallet", that is just bloat.
- Fast-DB, since consumers don't need the WHOLE chain. They only need the portions relevant to them, from the date the wallet was created. In time, they could get the summary or whole compressed DB, but we should be sending them the "fast-db" results only relevant to them. (They still can't spend coins that they don't have, so it would not even matter if the whole chain was complete for them. If they actually need it, then it should be a background thing, not a primary limitation of the wallet.) Only miners need the whole chain. Also, in the event of forking, the wallets need some way to "revert to an earlier date", so they can attempt to get on the right chain. No wallet, to date, does this. We all have to delete the whole chain, revert manually to a back-up if we have one, then attempt to get on the new chain... Repeat if we get screwed and get stuck on the wrong chain again. (EG, give us a block-number to revert to. You UNDO all those blocks, down to the number we set, where we can get to the point before the fork. This number should also be included in any updates, as the last known "forward" point. That, or broadcast by the devs, on the network, between checkpoints.)
Then we need reasons for people to buy the coins, besides hoarding.
Gambling is not a good source of value. People pay, people win, dealers cash-out, winners cash-out. Unless the gambling holds a ton of coins for a long time, it is not a source of value increase. (That would be actual losses, like a wallet-eater or some stupid code like destroying your coins by encrypting your wallet after coins are already in there.)
Someone has to have an easy way to setup shop, without having to be a programmer or linux-user, for integration. (Simple server daemons, exchange-API services, with cut/paste code for common web-shop programs and CMS's. Oh, and something to convince them to have a "buffer" of coins, as instant exchange value, and showing them how to "keep coins" when values are low, and only "direct cash-out" when values are high. If they are willing to take that risk.)
Offline printable QR-coded paper-wallets... (I use the creators code in the link below, for offline wallet creation. It has to be programmed for AIRcoin's attributes.)
https://www.bitaddress.org/bitaddress.org-v2.8.1-SHA1-a6e63f2712851710255a27fa0f22ef7833c2cd07.htmlGotta go to the git-hub and make a branch for AirCoin... (It is intended to be saved to your desktop, and run offline. All code is self-contained in the HTML itself, including the images.)
Paper-wallets are like gift cards... they always have change that is never spent, some get lost, some get destroyed... that is instant value. Not to mention, if they took the time to print a paper-wallet, they are planning on holding securely for a while.