If you gave NAC USD, they should return exact amount of USD.
If you gave them BTC, LTC, ETH, they should return exact number of units you send them!
they cant hold eth, btc etc. because it doesnt worth nothing and must change them to $
you are idiot if you did that
as i wrote earlier if they success in stuff they are currently working this little things about ICO wont be important at all
or if you are troll than f...off
Firstly; You are dreaming if you think this is going to be a success,,
Secondly; The troll here is amlbitcoin ,
Thirdly; how about we get a refund and then we ll f***off, why cant they give a refund??? coz they are dodgy as f***.
They have given refund in alt coin before,
You also must have been dreaming since you gave your life savings and also borrowed more to give them correct? I am sorry for your situation man but if you cant tell you are not going to get what you want the way you are going about it then you are still dreaming. if you gonna dream and since they have your money why not just dream your first dream and hope you make some money. Man wait 14 days and see what happens why dont you?
sloowdown i only invested $2000 and believe me thats not my life savings, its only spare change compared to my wealth, now i dont want to say that $2000 might be life savings for you because thatd be rude,
Of course i d be bitter during this course of time the team has done nothing but take selfies with bankers and some congressman, there is no information or news on ABTC what so eva,, even the code ABTC has been used by a coin fork,,
I hope it fails its not about the $2000 here,, that can burn IDGAF,
Lets hope they dont extend it for another month or 2,, i can barely wait another 2 weeks....
And if you think youre goin to be rich with ABTC YOU RE DREAMING!!! I hope you didnt go spending your life savings into it ,,
Also do you check the market?? I hope you were holding USD rather than coins,,,
Good Luck to the ones who innocently bought into this crapp as i am now accepting the fact that i wont be able to get a refund , soon as you see a pump dump it , the way the markets goin
crypto could be over and so could this ICO before even being released..
Is sloowdown really AMLBITCOIN on a second account?? cant understand why you sticking up for this shitty ICO,, you blind??