A coin based upon ideology to promote peace, not realising that practicly every war has been waged due to some ideology, especially the islam ideology. You might want to read up on history or better yet even turn on the 8 o'clock news for that matter. Also how are you going to achieve peace? What, you are going to keep giving anyone preaching hate these coins? As long as there are people that want to control there never will be such a thing as peace. This coin is just another concept of SJWs delirium that is severely lacking any form of sense of reality as if that part of their brain has ceased to exist. Keep repeating nice words like peace because it sounds good and moralistic while contributing nothing whatsoever to it in actuality.
Dear Zandar,
You might want to read our whitepaper or the recent Techcrunch or Huffington Post coverage:
https://techcrunch.com/2017/11/24/can-a-cryptocurrency-be-used-to-fight-hate-speech-fake-news-and-divisive-politics/http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/fighting-hate-and-extremism-the-living-quran_uk_5a15b6f8e4b009b331ad76abThis platform is designed to combat those that want to control and warp narratives, be they conservative or liberal, by mapping what communities across the spectrum really believe using data science and incentivised/curated by cryptocurrency.
If you believe that nothing can be done to incrementally improve the situation, then so be it.
If you think the situation needs to change and anything that can help build bridges as others try to divide society, then take a close look at what we're doing and the background of our team in predicting, analysing and dealing with extremism and hate of all types.
We are not pushing any specific ideology, but we are pushing the well researched belief that when you can contextually understand others you generally tend to fear/hate them less.