I have a question ....
@Bumface and @ Xwebnetwork....
At the UTC website is this info:
"FUN FACT: Did you know that Ultracoin has a 20% return on investment after 1 year? Via the Proof-of-Stake system, any coins you hold in your wallet will automatically accrue an additional 20%......" How exactly does this work ?
1. Does this 20% pay out goes automatically and exactly after 365 days, not sooner like every three months ?
2. How the calculation is made as to which part is then paid 20% ?
Thanks for answering..
@BUMFACE....nice to see you are online and are getting funds for the Bitcoin Sweden Conference....
I wish I could travel with you.... so many beautiful blond haired en bleu eyed girls over there
We al hope for it the conference wil bring UTC more in to the spotlight.
Thanks also to Sthulman to make it happen !
But dear Bumface, as you are online now, please also try to answer my question I asked today before....
In front, thanks for answering Bumface