Why that for me 2 video cards 7950 give out in general only 500 k/h here. Or is it normal for the booty of UTC?
Yep, might be right.
I've about 260k/h per 7950.
I don't understand how you guys are getting these speed... I am getting 70kh/s on my 7950... Not sure if there is something wrong or if it is normal?? I read here:
That these people aren't getting a high hash rate either ?? I am running the modded cgminer 3.7.2. When I put any thread concurrency, I instantly get HW errors so I have removed it from my line. I have a 6 GPU configuration and only getting 400kh/s! -g 1 etc... Any ideas ? Is there a new miner or something ? Intensity is 12. If I change it to 13, it gives me HW error.
Nah, I am using the patched CGMiner from https://sites.google.com/site/rmdavidson/
When I put any thread concurrency onto the settings, I get around 10% hardware errors... Any ideas? Does it matter if my rig only has 4GB ram?
If you are running 6 cards on one system with 4 Gb of RAM, I'm surprised you can even get them all running without getting an "Error 4: Failed enqueing...." The 4 GB will definitely effect your ability to run that many cards.