Hey all,
having a really tough time getting appropriate numbers out of my 290Xs. I have two 290X cards (and one 7950) and am running the 13.12 drivers with crossfire disabled.
I've tried both ultracoinminer and the sj modded cgminer and get the same KH/S out of the cards. I haven't noticed any issues compared to other people's numbers when mining MAX or LTC/multi-coin pools.
Each 290X is only getting me between 350-400kh/s with the following config file:
"device" : "1,2",
"api-listen" : true,
"intensity" : "18",
"vectors" : "1",
"worksize" : "512",
"kernel" : "scrypt-jane",
"failover-only" : true,
"temp-cutoff" : "95",
"temp-overheat" : "80",
"temp-target" : "75",
"expiry" : "30",
"log" : "5",
"queue" : "1",
"retry-pause" : "5",
"scan-time" : "60",
"scrypt-jane" : true,
"sj-nfmin" : "4",
"sj-nfmax" : "30",
"sj-time" : "1388361600",
"temp-hysteresis" : "3",
"shaders" : "2816",
"thread-concurrency" : "32765",
"gpu-powertune" : "20",
"gpu-thread" : "1",
"sharethreads" : "32",
"lookup-gap" : "2",
"gpu-engine" : "940",
"gpu-memclock" : "1400"
I've tried TC down to 24000 and up to 32765 (what I use for normal Scrypt) and the KH didn't change at all. Intensity between 18-20 bumps from 350 to closer to 400, but it tops out there. The 7950 gets around 250 and maxes out around 300. Using Win7x64 with 12GB of RAM. I get the same thing from running the .bat file as well with settings entered.
Any ideas?