We believe that the altcoin market is stuck in a fatal loop;
I don't recall ever seeing any evidential support for this claim, did I miss something?
Are you asking for evidential support of our personal beliefs?
We can't see the future, and we can't prove what will happen. But the fact that there are too many altcoins is self-evident, and is further shown by the fact that new altcoins are being launched every day while the market fails to support the existing altcoins which are dying every day.
We believe that the cryptocurrency market has arrived at a point of saturation similar to the video game market prior to the crash of 1983.
There are so many inferior offerings that the few worthwhile offerings are not only obscured, but in fact diminished.
It's one thing to walk into a store, see 1,200 Atari cartridges, and then make an educated decision to buy the 3 most expensive ones because they are likely to be worth the higher price. But it's a different story when the glut of cheap games actually makes the entire Atari market less valuable. An Atari's only value is that it can play Atari games - if all the games suck, then the Atari sucks. If there's a 90% chance that any game you buy will suck, and you won't know until after you've paid for it, then approximately 100% of buyers will eventually feel ripped off. Probably multiple times.
People stop buying, and there is less money in the market to develop the good projects. Now even the best ones aren't as good.
Bitcoin is used every day to buy altcoins. It's one of the primary uses for Bitcoin. Approximately 100% of people who take their bitcoins and go shopping for altcoins will eventually feel ripped off. And, to non-Bitcoin users - the other 7 billion people on the planet - what is the difference between Bitcoin and Altcoins? Nothing.
But it's worse than that. Most altcoins users think they're gambling on a zero-sum game - they think altcoins are all scams, and they want to be the ones profiting from other people's losses. Then, when it's all tallied, they think the same amount of money will exist, with more of it in their pockets and an equal amount missing from someone else's pockets.
But they are wrong; it's not a zero-sum game. Capital can be destroyed. People are pumping money into cryptocurrency, and that money isn't guaranteed to continue existing in any form. Altcoins die, and there is less money available in the world. More specifically, there is less money available in the crypto world.
Ethereum raised $18,000,000, but they only spent $9,000,000. Now they're broke. Where did the other 9 Million Dollars go? They didn't steal it, or hide it, or waste it. It just stopped existing.
When we say altcoins are stuck in a fatal loop, we're talking about capital destruction. How many millions of dollars of value did the top 99 cryptocurrencies lose when Bitcoin recently jumped up for a few days? And after Bitcoin came back down, those altcoins did not recover. That value doesn't exist anymore, not even for the people who dumped and held their bitcoins.
There isn't enough new money coming into cryptocurrency to make up for the money that is being flushed down the altcoin toilet. That's why we're preserving as much of that capital as we can.