Algorithm: X15 PoW/PoS
PoW mining until block 7000 (About 5 days of Pow mining)
PoS Minimum Stake Age: 24 hours
PoS interest: 30% for the first year,10% for the next 2 years and 3% after that
60 second block target
150 blocks for coins to mature
0.9% Pre-mine for development, promotional and immediate bounties.
Blocks 2-101
1 BBC Reward to prevent instamine
Blocks 102-7000
1% Superblocks of 10.000 BBC
5% 500 BBC
10% 250 BBC
15% 100 BBC
20% 50 BBC
49% 25 BBC
Block 2 to 101 - 100 coins
Block 102 to 7000 - 6,899 Blocks = 1,291,837 coins
(1% Superblocks of 10,000 BBC = 689,900 coins
5% 500 BBC = 172,475 coins
10% 250 BBC = 172,475 coins
15% 100 BBC = 103,485 coins
20% 50 BBC = 68,990 coins
49% 25 BBC = 84,512 coins)
Total coins 1,360,937
Premine 69,000
So, your premine % is also misleading!!