Thanks for the kind words. Sadly, no there aren't Win binaries. I don't have a Windows m/c and even if I had, the results would have to be published as “unofficial binaries” and consequently suspect by default. (Although what the notion of “official” is doing, hanging around the neck of a p2p app, I really don't know.) I will try to find a solution.
I do have a question though, does the buzz chat thing work for you Win users? It looks to me as though the subscription to the remote service has expired or has slipped out of community control (classic example of the perils of relying on centralised services) but it's just possible that it's an OS-related issue specific to Linux.
The unavailability of the back-end service doesn't really pose an issue for the app and can simply be ignored. OTOH, it would be possible to replace the tab offering the buzz service with a tab offering vanilla IRC chat but you'd notice a deterioration in presentation and only the very basic IRC chat functionality would be preserved. OTOOH, perhaps there's funding available to re-enable the remote service.
Just thinking out loud.