First off i want to tell Bitbays investors that I am sorry you are having to deal with all of this.
I have gave Justin enough time to recant his posts.
I gave justin7674 many options and opportunities, I simply did not want him selling anymore shares for his personal gain.
Bitbay will still be launched without him I was hoping not to air this dirty laundry in public only to investors in pvt. It is very unprofessional.
The code he has is cheap off the shelf turn Key script not worth 100,000+ dollars in shares he wants to sell for himself.
I tried to tell him that the shares where for Bitbays Development not him to spend as he wishes.
I also told him partners would be paid their percentages in the LLC with salary passed through the company not in a Lump some from sold shares.
He would not have any of this. the bottom line is he wanted to sell as many shares as he could for his personal gain.
He sold Shares behind closed doors without me knowing, he told lie after lie doing anything and everything he could to get more money.
I foresaw this coming a few days ago all the pieces to the puzzle came together.
The only thing i am guilty of is trying to protect investors, Bitbay and my name.
Option's that where given to Justin7674.
#1 Continued Partnership and Development with the 5,000+ in shares he had already acquired and used for personal gain not Bitbay.
Also giving back the money Bitbay did not need to investors. With me taking full control of finances.
#2 Part ways taking taking the code with him and naming his auction site something else using the money he had already acquired.
Also taking the investor shares he already had with him If they agreed to do so.
Bitbay would keep the other half for new development, Servers and operational costs.
#3 Partways and Payback the money he had spent for personal gains to Investors and or Bitbay.
Bitbay would keep the other half for new development, Servers and operational costs.
Not for personal gain of partners.
Please read the skype conversation from Justin and I from today it should cover everything else. I am going to be scheduling a G+ meeting for all Investors.
Bitbay will be release soon Bigger and better as we have acquired a new Developer.
The Remaining funds will be Documented and used for Development and Operational costs Not personal Gain.
Thank you for your time, patience and understanding.