As part of IR Team at Bitbond STO, I'm qualified to answer to your questions.
• Analyze the performance of our lending platform on https://www.bitbond.com/statistics (340% YOY Growth)
• Check our licence as a financial institution on the official website of Financial Regulator BaFin on https://portal.mvp.bafin.de/database/InstInfo/institutDetails.do?cmd=loadInstitutAction&institutId=146194
• Bitbond is a VC-backed Fintech startup and the institutional investors are presented in the Team section on www.bitbondsto.com
• We get mentioned on a regular basis by reputable financial news company (Germany: https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/maerkte/devisen-rohstoffe/krypto-start-up-bitbond-bafin-genehmigt-erstmals-virtuelle-finanzierungsrunde/23991380.html, Reurters: https://ca.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idCAKBN1ID07Y-OCATC)
Like in many other startup verticals, there are only few highly valuable players in the lending space and Bitbond is one of the front-runner!
Thank you for pointing out this topic.
Julien l Bitbond Team