Which bcash are they adding?
One week after celebrating the first anniversary of bitcoin cash's split from bitcoin, Bitcoin ABC laid the groundwork for another schism. On August 8, the full node, which nearly 2/3 of bitcoin cash nodes run on at any one time, published planned changes to the network's consensus protocols.
Craig Wright, one of the most prominent figures in the BCH community, didn't like them. As chief scientist for nChain, the self-described "global leader in research and development of blockchain technologies ( )," Wright's opinions carry weight with many bitcoin cash enthusiasts, despite (or perhaps because of) his assertions that he is Satoshi Nakamoto (!!!) .
So, nChain announced on August 16 that it would launch its own full node, Bitcoin SV (for Satoshi's Vision).
Holy cow the dude just won't let his who obsession with being Satoshi rest! He's convinced he's Satoshi yet he pisses himself when asked to prove it. The man is clearly mentally unstable, at best a narcissistic sociopath.
In all fairness, Craig Wright has not proven that he is not satoshi either.
In super duper fairness, neither have I, you, or anybody else alive and breathing.