Thanks for an honest reply there m8....had to squeeze it out of you,lols
i was sure you were interested in BCH as you ave been here from day1, but it is gd to hear you actually say saying, you find BCH fascinating...
as for your apathy as a seal of approval...of course it is, you underestimate your influence, when you are being serious, you contribute alot.
so Mr Bones...when will you give BCH your seal of approval?... soon as you do watch it fly over $6k
I highly doubt some words from me is going to send the BCH price to $6K.
However, here goes my current thoughts on BCH.
After watching this video: have come to the conclusion that on-chain scaling is indeed feasible. My previous objections were that it takes pools too long to verify transactions. Therefore, 1GB blocks would result in many empty blocks being mined. However, after watching the video, it appears they are working on optimizing the way that the mempool is handled by a mining node. However, I still have misgivings about 1 GB blocks since this would require a node to have the storage capacity of over 50tb per year. At this time, I believe this would cause a barrier to entry for small start ups that require a full node be run. (New exchanges, information services, mining pools etc.)
My general view on Segwit. It appears to have solved the transaction malleability problem. However, to the layman, such as myself, it appears to be A Rube Goldberg machine kind of way to solve the problem. I am not convinced that there is indeed a vulnerability that allows miners to steal your segwit coins. A white hat demonstration of this attack on a testnet would be required to convince me otherwise. Naturally a black hat demonstration on the mainnet would convince me too, but would not be ideal.
My general view on Lightning Network: It does appear as a viable solution to solve the scaling issue. However, to the layman, it appears to be a Rube Goldberg machine kind of way to solve the problem. I am not a coder, but it seems the Bitcore Core and Blockstream team are more interested in doing coding gymnastics and showing off their skills and not applying the KISS principal at all. However, since I do not know how to code, I could be dead wrong in my assessment.
yea i saw that vid before, its very informative.
Thanks for your current thoughts on what you think is happening, i agree with some(1gb blocks are a long way off) but disagree with some too lols
lots of work has still be be done , crypto cant stop, it evolves and improves with time.
segwet is giving far to much control to blockstream over the whole crypto ecosystem, people are discovering this and avoiding segwit, crypto businesses and exchanges will not adopt segwit either as their entire business is at stake. Everthing that everyone worked hard for , to get as far as we did, then just hand it all over to blockstream...No chance.
i think lighting is trying to steal crypto tech from us, esp after i watched this today , How The Banks Bought Bitcoin The Lightning Network - words could do it...try it, what ya got to lose bro? lol